Thank you all once again for affording me the opportunity to be president another year. I will do me best to keep the club afloat during this year of recession. In order to maintain fiscal health, I am forced to double our club dues. I hope this will not be too much of a burden. (For those that don't attend enough to know... our club dues are ZERO... but doubling that amount sounded fun!)
Anyway, we have gotten good response to attending as a club, the AER car show in May. If you can have your entry fee ($20) for me in Feb, that will be a big help, and I will get that into the hands of AER promptly. They are looking forward to our entries, and we have officialy been added to their organization chart. Several have paid, keep a watch on this thread on Pennocks, I will update it shortly.
We will be discussing Spring Fling IV, the Greenville edition. That is taking place the 4th Saturday in March. In April, San Antonio's AAFO is hosting their yearly Round-Up, and there is the Ed Parks Swap Meet in Tooney, Alabama. May we will have the AER Car Show... It is shaping up to be a fun spring! Get a coat of wax on the old girl and show her off!
Don't know if I will make this one or not. I'm supposed to get an injection in my spine this week, so it will depend on when/if I get it. I'll have to make some arrangement to get my AER fee to you.
I meant to forward this along with the monthly meeting reminder. One of our members, Mark Kirby is an avid participant and sometime host of SCCA Rally events. This is not like an autocross event, this is a goal/activity/and map based style event, and if it wasn't the same day as our monthly meeting, I'd be up to running the journey.
Living near Granbury, I can vouche for the fun roads in the area. Mark, give me a call, I might join you for supper!
Mark Kirby <> wrote:
Subject: SCCA RALLY To: Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 7:11 PM
Blake, please let everyone in NTFC know about a rallye on Sat Feb 28th (in 2 weeks). It's kind of a tour/rallye using the Roads of Texas atlas, starting in N Dallas and ending in Granbury for dinner. It has 4 legs and I'm responsible for leg 3. Lots of driving on interesting roads. Mark Kirby