Yes, yes. It's that time again when we start planning our schedules for the new year. So, in an attempt to give you as much time as possible to prepare for the upcoming events, here is a list of the show dates so far:
May 17, 2009 - Lititz, PA - show and swap meet; there will be a small cover charge to rent the pavilion and we are hoping that everyone will try and supply a dish of some sort for meals.
June 27, 2009 - the one we've all been waiting for . . .GM CARLISLE !
Come one, come all, heck, bring every last Fiero that you got if you can
This is the replacement show for the Kit Car show. This is the BIG ONE! If you'd like to continue seeing us at Carlisle, then register, register, register.
If this show falls through then there is a very good chance that there will no longer be a "FIERO SHOW" at Carlisle.
Registration begins the second you read this. Check the website for more information.
If I understand correctly, there will be a registration form available for you to fill out.
All Pre-Registrations MUST BE SENT IN ON OR BEFORE MAY15, 2009.
I do believe you get a discount if you register early and with that registration fee you get to bring a friend (each and every day if you decide to attend).
The more Fiero's pre-register, the more Carlisle will take us seriously again. Let's remind everyone just how cool this little car is!!!
Back in the days of the Kit Car Nationals, we had up to 120 cars show up!
That may not be possible now, but hey, let's shoot for 75?!
Other events following the GM Nationals include the Show-N-Go at Freysinger Pontiac in Mechanicsburg, Pa (most likely in August), and the Dutch Classic again in Lititz, PA. Show dates and additional information will follow shortly.
Hey, MAFOA members and board members, if I missed anything or annouced ianything wrong, let me know. The facts are important things!
Also, if you have an upcoming event that you would like everyone in our area to know about, let me know. I'll help you spread the word as much as possible!
[This message has been edited by JennsDream (edited 01-20-2009).]