WCF invites you to the Spring BBQ and First Tehachapi Mountain Run April 24 – 25 – 26 at WCF’s shop in scenic Tehachapi, CA.
Here is the tentative schedule:
- Friday, April 25 – If you can, please drop by the shop and hang out for a while.
- Saturday, April 26
– 10:00 AM - Depart the shop on a run through the scenic mountains around Tehachapi
– 2:00 PM - Return to the shop for the traditional BBQ
- Sunday, April 27, Cruise over to Willow Springs (about 25 miles) for the Corsa Motoclassica classic motorcycle road race (see or to Button Willow for the Open Track - National Auto Sports Association (see (attendees choice).
The beautiful Tehachapi Valley is an oasis located in the mountains between the San Joaquin Valley and the Mojave Desert, offering a cool haven from the arid desert heat and the sprawling lowlands of the valley. Featuring sparkling blue skies that turn into star filled nights with unending depth, the beauty of Tehachapi is seen in every setting. The diversity of the area offers something for everyone, small town neighborhoods, mountains filled with oak and pine trees sheltering the most rustic to the most luxurious homes, sprawling ranches and everything in between, all beautifully displayed in the splendor of four wonderfully distinct seasons.
- Is at 4,000 feet and very pleasant in the spring
- Is scenic and has some excellent curvy roads all over the place for an outing
- Has nice moderately priced hotels; we will try to arrange a special rate at one or more of the local hotels for attendees.
Tehachapi is:
- 447 miles from Phoenix
- 325 miles from San Francisco
- 246 miles from Las Vegas
- 232 miles from San Diego
- 157 miles from Orange County
- 136 miles from Riverside
- 115 miles from Los Angeles
- 40 miles from Bakersfield
Hope to see you there with or without your Fiero.
We will be tracking this subject in General Fiero Chat, so go there for the latest info and to register.