The Mid Atlantic Fiero Owners Association along with the Keystone POCI Chapter will be putting on a P.O.C.I show May 15th 2010.
Club members and Fiero owners – we have a challenge coming this Spring. The Freysinger Cup Challenge will pit the Fieros against the rest of them there Pontiacs…and Oaklands?? MAFOA and the Keystone State Chapter of POCI will compete on Saturday - May 15, 2010 at Freysinger Pontiac / GMC / Buick, 6251 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA, 17050.
MAFOA’s 16th Annual Spring Show will be a show not to be missed. Freysinger’s is going all out on this show. Gary Freysinger will present the Freysinger Cup to the club that has the most registered cars present… and POCI is probably thinking this will be an easy trophy with which to walk away. But then the POCI foks don’t know that much about Fiero pride. The club competition doesn’t end there as Gary Freysinger will also be selecting one car from the collective showfields for the “Dealer’s Choice – Best of Show.” The selected car will be photographed and framed, and the picture hung in the Freysinger Showroom for the next year to commemorate the selection. The winner will also receive the photograph. Personally, I’m hoping to see a Fiero on that showroom wall. While MAFOA and POCI will be each conducting their own shows, the inter-club festivities don’t end with the Cup Challenge. Each MAFOA ballot will have a special block for the “Best of POCI.” After the compilation of the MAFOA’s ballots, the winner of the “MAFOA’s Selection – Best of POCI” trophy will be presented by our club President, Robb Leppo to the POCI winner. Likewise the winner of the “POCI’s Selection – Best of MAFO” trophy will be presented by POCI Keystone State Chapter President, Steve Liebert to the Fiero winner.
There will be six Fiero Classes: Stock Fastback, Stock Notchback, Modified Fastback, Modified Notchback, Custom Fastback and Custom Notchback. Trophies will again be parts. 1st Place winners will receive a Wiper Blade Set / Battery Terminal Bolt Set / Radiator Cap / Thermostat. 2nd Place winners will receive a Wiper Blade Set / Battery Terminal Bolt Set / Radiator Cap. And 3rd Place winners will receive a Wiper Blade Set / Battery Terminal Bolt Set. Winners will be selected by popular vote.
The prize table will be stocked with parts as well for our Chinese Auction. It will include a V6 Spark Plug Set, V6 Distributor & Rotor, V6 Ignition Control Module, V6 Coil, Thermostat, Radiator Cap, Front Upper Radiator Hose, Front Lower Radiator Hose, Front Disc Pad Set, Rear Disc Pad Set, V6 Water Pump / Alternator Belt, V6 AC Belt, two Fuel Filter, two Oil Filters, two Air Filters, two PCV Valves, Stoners 4-pack kit, etc.
Other show happenings include a Tech Session, again done by Brad Strine, on AC Recharging and Problem Diagnosis. The Fiero selected for the tech session will receive a free AC Recharge. You can enter for the free AC Recharge drawing at the Registration Table the day of the show. Vendor spaces are free, and club members are encouraged to bring parts, literature and collectibles to swap or sell. Event t-shirts will be free and given to the first 30 to pre-register / register, but you must be present to receive the shirt. Freysingers will provide free refreshments and test drives in any of their new Pontiac, GMC, Buick, Mazda or Hyundai vehicles. While there will be no goody bags, each participant will receive a free Meguiars car care product.
This is a rain or shine event. Pre-registration fee is $5 per vehicle, and show day registration is $7. Pre-registration may be done online through the club website at or by sending the form at the bottom of the event flyer. Pre-registration deadline will be April 25, 2010.
1984 Indy Pace Car
President of Maryland Fiero Owners Club MFOC