Yesterday, I spoke with the Lion's Club member who runs the Mapleview Mall cruise on Wednesday evenings. Beginning next Wednesday, May 12th, the cruise will move to the Burlington Mall at the southeast corner at Guelph Line and Prospect, behind the Kelsey's Road House. Apparently the management at Mapleview were not interested in a car night and only offered about half the spots needed in order to stay there. The Burlington mall management in contrast, is all for it and is doing everything possible to make it a GREAT cruise. Just a couple of things more to mention though.....there is a farmers market going on until 2:PM every Wednesday in the same area of the cruise. By the time they tear down and leave, it will be around 3PM-3:30PM, so no cars will be able to park until 4:PM. In the past, I have been able to save about a dozen spots for our Fiero's. That, I was told is also over. So, no one is allowed to save spots. That means, that once we pick a good area to park, you guys will have to be on time if we want to be together. Hopefully, this will turn out to be a better cruise night than we had for many years at Mapleview....see ya soon....Lothar
1988 Fiero GT (Stock)
1987 Fiero Coup Convertible 3.8 S.C.