I have missed it for a couple years due to conflict. Made it this past March and really glad I did. I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones. I plan on going this next spring if they have it.
Greetings fellow Fiero enthusiasts. Please allow me to introduce myself as the Events Coordinator for the Central Florida Fieros car club. On behalf of CFF as well as the other local clubs, we welcome you to Central Florida for the 2014 show.
From what I'm hearing there will likely be some major changes in the management of the Fiero gathering in Daytona for 2014. That's not quite final yet. Time will tell. I plan on doing EVERYTHING in my power to see that the 2014 gathering is just as much of a success as any of our shows have ever been. Am I taking the lead role in planning and organizing the show? Not at this time. Am I opposed? No I'm not. There may be others that can do the job better than me though.
What I CAN tell everyone is that there will still be a gathering. We will still have events and door prizes, etc....
So mark your calendars. Get your rooms booked. Get your Fieros road-worthy. And get your butts down here!
If you have any ideas for new stuff or requests for keeping old traditions... speak up. If you'd like to get rid of something let's hear about that in a PM so that we don't hurt each other's feelings
As discussed in another section, it's official that Daytona will no longer be promoted by Frank or Marc. I won't throw a link to that discussion because it's talking about an event but not in the Events section. Plus discussions in that area of PFF have a tendency to turn ugly. So for the record civilized HELPFUL discussion is welcome here. All the drama crap, there - as always.
Here's where we stand. Looks like I'm the guy to step up to the plate and organize this endeavor. (unless I hear another volunteer - please???)
First order of business, if you are able and willing to lend a hand with anything at all, send me a PM. I don't care if you're from Florida or not.
Second order of business, let's get a list of cool stuff to do, in the track as well as outside. Once we have that list volunteers will be required to sign up and sponsor that event or activity. No sponsors, no event. If one person signs up for an event I'll see to it that you have help to make sure your event is a success. I'm not saying you have to pay for it. You will just be responsible for running the event, day of - usually just making sure business owners know we're coming and then get the info to participants so they know what to do. It ain't that hard.
I have already heard from a few that want to help. I've heard from a couple that say I'm crazy for taking it on. So be it. One thing's for sure, I won't be sitting on the sideline whining about not having a Fiero presence at the Daytona show in 2014. If we don't succeed, at least we tried.
[This message has been edited by 2002z28ssconv (edited 09-03-2013).]
I just spoke with the Main event coordinator and he said we'll still be in the same spot as always. We spoke for a while because I wanted to make sure that any of our little side events weren't going to cause them heart burn with their insurance agent. Unfortunately the blind man slalom is a no-go. Anything that involves moving cars would be a no-no. Racing tricycles or pushing gokarts is all good.
So what do you think about tricycle races again? Different clubs from around the world can build their own tricycle and complete in various events. For that matter he thought it would be fun if we threw out a challenge to the other car clubs to build their own tricycles and have a main stage event that they would publicize in the flyer they hand out during the November show. I thought that sounded like an awesome idea to me. What says y'all?
Providing my current Fiero stays running as well as it is, I plan to be there.
------------------ "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention to arrive safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming: Wow!! What a ride!"
Even if you don't feel that you would have any thoughts that would merit our attention, if you'd sincerely like to be a part of the show's continuation, let me know. We have a private forum set up (url address is still a secret) for us to discuss at so that those not involved can stay that way. We have a Daytona 2014 informational website being built (by a guy in GA and a guy in South Florida). So as you can see you don't even need to be local. Just have the willingness to be a part of making sure that we have a fantastic Daytona show in 2014.
If you said you would help but I haven't contacted you, sorry but I can barely remember how to tie my Velcro-equipped shoes... Please volunteer again. All we're looking for right now is people with ideas. From what I have heard, Ideas are like *****. Every body has them and they're all full of...
I also am getting pumped up about the show! Greg and I have tackled the job of the website, and It is coming along nicely.
I have also tackled the schedule / event times / locations / durations.... a daunting task. I know you think that a schedule is easy! It is when everything is planned already I am adding whatever information I can get my hands on and it will get there.
The website is still too "under construction" to have Chuck share the link with everyone I think heheh. Soon though
After the news I received from 2002z28ssconv today,I definately can't wait to attend the 2014 Daytona show.
This weekend has been total hell......I don't see me attending this show.Only because I don't see my body and health lasting another 6 months through all the Chemo and Steroids the doctor is pumping me with.
I for one am not counting you out on making it. I have seen Chemo first take it's toll, then do it's job and watch the health come back on the upswing. Regardless, my thoughts and prayers are with you!
This weekend has been total hell......I don't see me attending this show.Only because I don't see my body and health lasting another 6 months through all the Chemo and Steroids the doctor is pumping me with.
Hey Todd. Do what's best for yourself my friend. And if we can do anything, say the word.
I for one am not counting you out on making it. I have seen Chemo first take it's toll, then do it's job and watch the health come back on the upswing. Regardless, my thoughts and prayers are with you!
OK, I am looking at going to this. My fiero is running. It runs/drives fine around town, needs a lot of tuning before it will be good on the highway. It needs paint, and seat covers, but that is not a issue for me. I would bring it on my trailer. Even if it was fixed, my body can not sit in it for 600 miles. It will not carry enuff stuff. But what I would like to know, for planning perpose's, is what goes on, ( or is planed to go on ) at a Daytona fiero meet? A car show at the infield of the track, 3 days,? other events, cruzin on sat night? Is their a prefered hotel? Any events invloving the fiero OFF the track grounds? Any autocross or drag runs? Any food at the show? I hope to have the tuning done by then. I am fixing the last oil leak this week. The wife is going home to see her mom for 7 weeks so I can spend time on the car. I would like to go, one time, before I blow it up again. I am in gulfport, on the gulf coast in Miss. I would leave on wed to head east on I-10, take 2 days to get their to take the stress out of the trip.
We would be thrilled to have you over. Here is the beginning of our official website. Even though it's not 100% complete, it gives you a good idea what to expect, and where to stay.
I thought that I had it in and running, but I was wrong. I drove it for cruzin' the coast here on the miss coast ( week long cruise ) but had so problems. I had issues with the cooling, getting the timing right, a bunch of little things. One of the little things was a oil leak. I changed the front seal, with the engine in the car, but that was not it. It as better, but still leaked a little. So after the show I did what I had to to get the pan off. I found a bunch of piston parts in the pan. We just pulled it again. ( the 8th time ) I ordered keith black pistons and Eagle rods. The pistons have a small pop up so i can get a little more compression to help the engine idle better with all the over lap that the cam has. I ordered the parts, got them in, had them pressed together, and got them home all in 6 days. Now, this week end it goes back in. I hope it will be to STAY in. In 2 weeks I will know if it is a runner. I still may not have a good drive in traffic car, but the higher compression should help it. I had flat top pistons and the 74 cc heads because I had intended to run a flat tappet, milder cam. When I went to the roller cam I got one that would kill some bottom end so the car could try to hook. It seams like it needs a lot of timing advance, or a lot of turns on the idle screw to get it to idle. To many turns on the screw and it loose's the idle fuel. ( It has a wide band). I am hoping that with the timing set more like a normal sbc, more compression at part throttle cruze, it will be better. I want to go, but the new parts are putting a crimp in the money. I should beable to go. I would realy like to be part of the events, not be stuck in the parking lot or the track. The car does not have a nice paint job, or the seat covers/head liner it needs. But that is not a problem for me. It has to run 1st. To have it running, with a bunch of other fiero's, priceless. Any drag strips open on sat night in the local area? The idle, with the dump open is some thing to hear!
I am going to be there, I am flying in because driving my Fiero 2000 miles and spending 6 days on the road just is not an option as it would use up all my vacation time just getting there so I will not have my Fiero but I might get to drive one while I am at the event thanks to one of the Florida folks.
I am definately going to try and make the show this year.There will be a strong Fiero presence from both Space Coast Fieros and Central Florida Fieros.So being a part of CFF and knowing some members from SCF I can't wait to attend my first Fiero show and hopefully not my last.
I'm thinking about bringing my Fiero down, but I want to make sure it will be accepted into the main show. The Turkey Run registration page says: WE WILL ALSO ACCEPT (PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY): CARS FROM 1980 UP, IF THE CAR HAS BEEN EXTENSIVELY CUSTOMIZED. YOU MUST SEND PHOTOS WITH YOUR PRE-REGISTRATION FOR APPROVAL
I have a pretty much stcok '85 GT, and I'm not driving it all the way down there if they won't let it in. Can anyone clear that up for me? Thanks.
Those rules have always applied to the Fall turkey run show in November. They just haven't changed their registration page over to the spring show yet. Regardless, Fieros are not subject to that rule during the spring show. You're quite safe in making the drive.
I registered on the fiero events website this morning. I will dig a little more after work to see what sled I need to do book a room, and get more details.
I'm probably going to take the auto train from Lorcan, VA down to Sanford, FL, and drive to Daytona, then head to Tampa for a few days before driving back up to WV. That way I can arrive refreshed, with less wear n tear on the car, and driving back up will be way cheaper than a return ticket on the train (for some reason it costs waaay more to come back up).
Glad to see this event still going...unfortunately our swapmeet is still on hold for so many reasons.
I made a post with a link to fieroevents.com on our Facebook page, hope it helps.
If there is anything we here at TFF can do to help, let me know. We are good for some gift certificates, just let me know where to send them.
We are going to try to make it down, depending on our workload and funds. My hopes are all that would want to come to the swapmeet can instead gather in Florida, and bring those attendance numbers back up. We know how disheartening it is first hand to put on a show and have a small turnout, as that is one of the reasons the swapmeet is on hold.
Anyway, hope to see a big turnout for you guys, call me if we can help!