August 22, 2015 - Annual NEFA Swap Meet at The Fiero Store's spacious location - 60A Progress Drive, Manchester, CT. Join NEFA & The Fiero Store for a fun-filled day at their spacious location and........“Share the Excitement” A great day to swap, trade and enjoy meeting other Fiero enthusiasts. Don't miss this fun day. Check out the flier for more information. on shipping charges! The Fiero Store is offering a 10% discount for all orders paid for or picked up at this event. Call in your order early to make sure that your parts are ready for pickup on August 22. (1-800-343-7648)
Bring a picnic lunch and a chair. Water and soda will be supplied.
Gwen (Phil's wife)
[This message has been edited by Phil (edited 06-08-2015).]