Hi Fiero Friends
The dates for the NW Fiero Fest fall on Father's day weekend this year, June 17-19, 2022. Please join us in Richland Washington for this All Fiero Event.
The weekend includes a lighting competition, car show, ice cream cruise, slow drags, awards banquet, and more.
Book your room at the host hotel before 5/27/22 to get our group rate. Use group code SWI
Register your FIero for the show and all weekend events during our early registration discount effective through 5/17/22.
(If you want an event t shirt you must pre order on the registration page.)
For more information go to
Fiero Road Club of N NV
Kym Robinson, President
84 Fiero Coupe white/purple
85 Fiero v6 black
86 Fiero GT red
87 Fiero GT blue
88 Fiero Formula yellow