An open letter by dezie36
Started on | : 10-15-2005 08:18 PM |
Replies | : 241 (4611 views) |
Last post by | : Falcon4 on 11-30-2006 12:50 AM |
Oct 19th, 2005
cliffw Member Posts: 37474 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
09:10 PM
MstangsBware Member Posts: 11509 From: TEXAS Registered: Mar 2002
I might be wrong but in the Thread of Girls without Fieros, this guy post a picture of a chick outside the car with a white shirt on. And behind that chick outside the car with the white shirt, there is a nice trashy looking trailer. I mean, aint nothing wrong wtih a trailer, I was raised in many of them but you cant hate white trash and be picking up your girl from the trailer park. This guy should come down to East Texas and soak up some of the redneck activities for a few weeks.
09:29 PM
lurker Member Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
 i live in ruralia. i like it. it's quiet, most folks out here are salt of the earth types, honest, hard working, mind their own business. if you respect that, youre welcome here. this thread started on a rant, by implication stereotyping anyone who lives outside the city limits as an ignorant yahoo. the writer was obviously having a bad day. i did not assume it applied specifically to me. for those of you who did, well, if the shoe fits then wear it.
09:40 PM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by MstangsBware: I might be wrong but in the Thread of Girls without Fieros, this guy post a picture of a chick outside the car with a white shirt on. And behind that chick outside the car with the white shirt, there is a nice trashy looking trailer. I mean, aint nothing wrong wtih a trailer, I was raised in many of them but you cant hate white trash and be picking up your girl from the trailer park. This guy should come down to East Texas and soak up some of the redneck activities for a few weeks. |
Excuse me!??!
That is a picture of the house I'm buying. https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum6/HTML/033556.html Trailer my ass!
09:42 PM
JohnnyK Member Posts: 11290 From: Registered: Mar 2000
This thread really exposed the white trash, didn't it?
09:47 PM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
FYI I don�t count living in the country white trash... My house is on 1.5 acres; with only one neighbor.... the rest is woods... "White trash boy - �And on the 3rd day god created Remington bolt action rifle, so that man could hunt the dinosaurs and the homosexuals� All children � �Amen� " Quote from Mean girls. [This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-19-2005).]
09:52 PM
Fastback 86 Member Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
Nevermind, he fixed it. [This message has been edited by Fastback 86 (edited 10-19-2005).]
09:56 PM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by Fastback 86: Nevermind, he fixed it. |
 Caught it just as I clicked submit reply
09:58 PM
Formula88 Member Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
. [This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 10-19-2005).]
10:43 PM
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
11:53 PM
Oct 20th, 2005
MstangsBware Member Posts: 11509 From: TEXAS Registered: Mar 2002
Your right, its not a trailer, its a manufactored home with a small add on. That make it better?
12:00 AM
System Bot
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
...and no central air? Jeeeezzzzzeeeee!
12:07 AM
Oct 21st, 2005
cliffw Member Posts: 37474 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
12:55 PM
Patrick Member Posts: 38265 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Get the lawnmower out... and straighten out those blinds.
03:16 PM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by Patrick: Get the lawnmower out... and straighten out those blinds.
Lawnmower? I pay a couple of college kids to come by and do it... that pic was taken just before they showed up after 2 weeks of absence... Damn cat is always ****ing up the blinds.
04:25 PM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by MstangsBware: Your right, its not a trailer, its a manufactored home with a small add on. That make it better?
Uh no... it a ranch style house built in 1969, 3 bed room 1 1/2 bath, full finished basement (with my dark room).
04:26 PM
Formula88 Member Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
So the definition of white trash is wheels on your house? I didn't know that. You should make this into a post card:
 [This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 10-21-2005).]
11:36 PM
Oct 22nd, 2005
maryjane Member Posts: 70036 From: Copperas Cove Texas Registered: Apr 2001
Rednecks don't have wheel on their house-or axles. They jerk those out right away to build a trailer for their Saturday night dirt track racer.
12:10 AM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by Formula88: You should make this into a post card:
Ya... if your trying to make it sound white trash good try but don’t bother... Its in Okemos MI (a rich suburb of Lansing, average house hold income here is 130k) Also I live here with my Fianc�e with out any children... as she and I know how to use birth control. I also don’t have mini bikes, or quads… I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t use the N word to describe black people… you’ll have to try harder then that to get me.
01:34 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
| quote | Originally posted by Formula88: You should make this into a post card:
A weed trimmer, some paint and a little landscaping- few bushes, ornamental tree... the house has some real potential. I hate it when people with no imagination see things half empty rather than half full...
01:40 AM
Falcon Fiero Member Posts: 2780 From: Colorado Registered: Jun 2002
Since we are on the subject of white trash...... I have lived in suburbia of larger (1 million + pop) cities for most of my life and was used to all types of demographics. I now live in a "township" just outside Colorado Springs and it is 99% white, and I never knew what white trash was until I moved here! Some of the homes in my neighborhood are $400k+ and up and it amazes me how people treat such an investment. For example, the house next to me is $350k and the new people that moved in didn't water the lawn even though it had an automatic sprinkler system and the water in our neighborhood is PREPAID to make sure people actually water. Then, the guy bought a rusted, primered Chevy Nova to fix up, BUT he parked it in his drive and it is now on BLOCKS which is a huge violation of our covenants. It is just sitting there dripping oil. He could park it in the 3 car garage but doesn't, god knows why not because he has NOTHING in the garage. The family on the other side who are very nice people, just walked away from their home to get a bigger one a few streets over and stopped making payments because they "could just let it go into forclosure" and not have to worry about it! In the meantime, the grass is getting knee high, then dies because they don't water it, even though they are STILL being charged for water for the house since it is still in their name. They are the kind of peple that have 4 kids, one income, and buy things because "it is only $150 more a month than the other car" with no regard for how many MORE years it will take to pay it off! I honestly don't care if people financially strap themselves, but MY house is in between these two and is losing value because they just don't know any better...it is just undelievable.
02:39 AM
System Bot
Gordo Member Posts: 2981 From: East Guilford, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2002
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: Ya... if your trying to make it sound white trash good try but don�t bother... Its in Okemos MI (a rich suburb of Lansing, average house hold income here is 130k) Also I live here with my Fianc�e with out any children... as she and I know how to use birth control.
I also don�t have mini bikes, or quads� I don�t smoke, I don�t drink, I don�t use the N word to describe black people� you�ll have to try harder then that to get me. |
Hmmm, lets see now, how do I rate on the dezie36 scale...  I don't smoke, that's 1.) Been married to the same woman for 28 years, I think that's 2.) I heard about birth control once, had two kids & then got cut. So does that count as 3.)? I live in a small house in the country with lots of privacy (behind a cemetery, the best neighbors!). Rich suburb? Don't make me laugh! There might be one about 60 miles away somewhere (guess I blew that one huh ) I have learned all about the evils of too much drink and it no longer holds a place in my life. I have been known to have a glass of wine now & then (Oh crap! Guess I blew it again! ) No minibikes, quadrunners, dirtbikes, snowmobiles, just Fieros & lots of em. Oh yeah, and one great big ol' pickup truck! (Guess the pickup cancels that one out) I don't use the "N" word or swear much. So I guess we're only up to 4.) now. I have a college education and great job. I work for the Financial Controller of a $360,000,000/yr factory. Here's my point... I'M NOT PERFECT. As I get older I see that life is more complex. Things aren't as black and white as I thought they were when I was young. I know myself better than I did in my 20's because I have experienced more. I don't consider myself better than the guys in the shop running the machines just because I work in a nice office. They dress different, talk different & act different but most of them are good people too! I have made some different decisions in life and had a few God given talents that helped me to get ahead a little bit more than the next guy. There is also an element of luck, I have great parents that still love me, had a couple of good oportunities and have been fortunate enough to avoid most of the major temptations in life. That last one is a real biggie!  I'm not saying that I love everybody. Sure, there are people that I would rather not be around but that's what choices are all about. They choose to be that way, I choose not to. I also don't choose to suck up just to get ahead but I do believe in serving, giving just a little bit more than I take. Maybe people would like you a little bit more if you didn't take yourself so seriously. There's nothing wrong with being a hick, a redneck or whatever you want to call it. Everybody has issues, everybody has problems, lighten up a little & come on over to the "darker side" with the rest of us. You might just like it. Besides you get to drive a big old pickup truck like me! 
09:54 AM
JohnnyK Member Posts: 11290 From: Registered: Mar 2000
I say, stick to your guns and let the sexist racist homophobic white trash of the world hate you.. Just gotta make sure it doesn't bite you in the ass.. But it won't.
12:32 PM
Formula88 Member Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: Ya... if your trying to make it sound white trash good try but don�t bother... Its in Okemos MI (a rich suburb of Lansing, average house hold income here is 130k) Also I live here with my Fianc�e with out any children... as she and I know how to use birth control.
I also don�t have mini bikes, or quads� I don�t smoke, I don�t drink, I don�t use the N word to describe black people� you�ll have to try harder then that to get me. |
Ok, I take it back - that's not a good picture of your house. But apparently your idea of white trash involved kids, smoking and drinking. Interesting. You just described a lot of families regardless of income, race, or social stature. But what most astounds me is how you judge yourself "better" than others because you don't smoke, or drink, etc. If someone has a mini bike, they must be trash. If someone drinks, they are trash. You know, a lot of people consider Fiero owners white trash. Maybe the nut doesn't fall too far from the tree. You have to be one of the most self righteous judmental people I've ever seen. Whatever you do is right but if anyone does something you disagree with, they are considered a lower form of life. You're going to have a rude awakening some day, when you don't measure up to someone else's standards. [This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 10-22-2005).]
12:45 PM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by Formula88: Ok, I take it back - that's not a good picture of your house.
But apparently your idea of white trash involved kids, smoking and drinking. Interesting. You just described a lot of families regardless of income, race, or social stature. But what most astounds me is how you judge yourself "better" than others because you don't smoke, or drink, etc. If someone has a mini bike, they must be trash. If someone drinks, they are trash. You know, a lot of people consider Fiero owners white trash. Maybe the nut doesn't fall too far from the tree. You have to be one of the most self righteous judmental people I've ever seen. Whatever you do is right but if anyone does something you disagree with, they are considered a lower form of life. You're going to have a rude awakening some day, when you don't measure up to someone else's standards. |
Datting a woman, having a child with her at 16-20 and not marrying her is white trash. Being proud of drinking and driving is white trash (not drinking by its self). Smoking... tho it doesnt make you white trash i know NO white trash that dont smoke... and they always smoke in the car with the windows rolled up with the kids in the car... yup real healty for the kids.
02:14 PM
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: Smoking... tho it doesnt make you white trash i know NO white trash that dont smoke... and they always smoke in the car with the windows rolled up with the kids in the car... yup real healty for the kids.
The couple times I actually saw this I wanted to pull their car over and yank 'em out to give 'em a good toungue lashin'!
02:21 PM
cliffw Member Posts: 37474 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: Being proud of drinking and driving is white trash (not drinking by its self).
05:16 PM
JohnnyK Member Posts: 11290 From: Registered: Mar 2000
| quote | Originally posted by cliffw: BUMP |
Why do you keep bumping this with an angry face.. Are you a proponent of DUIs??
05:35 PM
buddycraigg Member Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
| quote | Originally posted by JohnnyK: Why do you keep bumping this with an angry face.. Are you a proponent of DUIs??
if you look at the top of this page, he bumped it with a smilie wink.
06:30 PM
maryjane Member Posts: 70036 From: Copperas Cove Texas Registered: Apr 2001
Stereotyping really suks doesn't it? There's a very large segment of the population that looks down on the rest of the country for one reason or another, and among those reasons is the frequenting of strip clubs, getting lap dances etc. Yes, I've even heard the term "white trash" used in reference to people who partake in this lifestyle.
06:43 PM
Oct 23rd, 2005
cliffw Member Posts: 37474 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
| quote | Originally posted by JohnnyK: Why do you keep bumping this with an angry face.. Are you a proponent of DUIs?? |
I knew people would wonder why I kept bumping the thread. It was because I wanted to respond to it. I have been out of town and was when it was posted. BUMP
12:27 AM
System Bot
MstangsBware Member Posts: 11509 From: TEXAS Registered: Mar 2002
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: Ya... if your trying to make it sound white trash good try but don�t bother... Its in Okemos MI (a rich suburb of Lansing, average house hold income here is 130k) Also I live here with my Fianc�e with out any children... as she and I know how to use birth control.
I also don�t have mini bikes, or quads� I don�t smoke, I don�t drink, I don�t use the N word to describe black people� you�ll have to try harder then that to get me. |
Your telling me that the house in that picture is in a RICH part of town, your kidding right? That looks about like a 55K house that would be listed as a handy mans special, that needed lots of work. I hope you didnt pay over 75K for the house and land that its on, if so you got ripped. If your not married yet, then your Finacee or you shouldnt need birth control because the two of you shouldnt be sleeping together if your not married. That is a SIN and your going to HELL for it, you should be ashamed of it, not to mention its just trashy(not really but since this guy thinks having kids out of wedlock is white trash). Its going to be funny when a little one pops up from yalls sinning because the birth control didnt work(and yes it happens). Then you will be white trash yourself in your own eyes. [This message has been edited by MstangsBware (edited 10-23-2005).]
01:06 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
Hol' on there cowboy! He was talking about, well, let's see the quote... "I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids." 5 kids and still not married! So, if supthin' was to happen accidental like, then of course he'd have that little lady down the aisle in a heart beat- prolly even before the little un popped out. (right Dezie?)
01:28 AM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by F-I-E-R-O: Hol' on there cowboy! He was talking about, well, let's see the quote... "I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids." 5 kids and still not married! So, if supthin' was to happen accidental like, then of course he'd have that little lady down the aisle in a heart beat- prolly even before the little un popped out. (right Dezie?) |
YUP... especially if I had a steady career going... if not... its probably time for a trip to planed parenthood (that would be ultimately her decision to make not mine). Oh and MstangsBware you have to believe in hell before you can go there  And the house is 1800 Sq feet, on an acre and a half... the house is 40 years old.... and needs new siding but other then that I have a brand new kitchen, 2 new baths, new carpet... as soon as I get my camera back from the repair shop (I dropped it) I’ll take some pix and post them.
[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-23-2005).]
08:50 AM
AusFiero Member Posts: 11513 From: Dapto NSW Australia Registered: Feb 2001
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: (thank you doctor Rapistine my therapist). |
Yep I think that says it all pretty well. [This message has been edited by AusFiero (edited 10-23-2005).]
09:35 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: ...needs new siding but other then that I have a brand new kitchen, 2 new baths, new carpet... as soon as I get my camera back from the repair shop (I dropped it) I�ll take some pix and post them.
Don't forget the weed eating and landscaping part- that was my idea!
09:36 AM
dezie36 Member Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
| quote | Originally posted by F-I-E-R-O: Don't forget the weed eating and landscaping part- that was my idea! 
I’m going to have a landscaping company come out next summer... We concerned our self’s with interior decorating this summer.
09:44 AM
FrugalFiero Member Posts: 3501 From: MI Registered: Nov 2003
| quote | Originally posted by MstangsBware: If your not married yet, then your Finacee or you shouldnt need birth control because the two of you shouldnt be sleeping together if your not married. |
I was waiting for this comment.... Tim
11:14 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
| quote | Originally posted by dezie36: I�m going to have a landscaping company come out next summer... We concerned our self�s with interior decorating this summer. |
Aw, heck- it's easy. First, pick out a handfull of plants that you really like (looking at that lawn, I'd go with something that is low maintanence ), grab a garden hose and lay it down kinda nilly-willy curvey around the front of the house and along the driveway, put the stuff you like where you think it looks good, then plant. Fill in the empty spaces with some low crawling shrub thingies and throw in a few flowers and a big rock or two. That'll be $1500 please, cash or certified checks only.  You can do it by yourself. Just do a google search of landscapers, look at their portfolios (or home mags...) cut out what you like and go too it. The great thing about landscaping is you can change it later. Or just start out with some basics and throw down some mulch/wood chips that will complement the color of the siding you plan to have installed. That way, you can add a little bit more every year untill your happy with it. I strongly suggest putting landscape fabric down to keep yourself from having to do a ton of weeding.
11:41 AM
JazzMan Member Posts: 18612 From: Registered: Mar 2003
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. [This message has been edited by JazzMan (edited 12-04-2008).]
11:50 AM