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Five against one. Fair fight? Perhaps not. by Raydar
Started on: 05-30-2006 09:35 AM
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Report this Post05-30-2006 04:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GT86Send a Private Message to GT86Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

You guys just don't get it, do you? How many times do I have to repeat that I've not once criticized the Marine for doing what he did. My message all along has been that it's ugly and distressing (to say the least) that we have teenage girls (pregnant or otherwise) dying in the streets. Is this the kind of society we wish to be living in? It's not about who's right or wrong, it's about what a ****ed up world we're living in at the moment.

It is a ****ed up world, but then again, it always has been. There's a cliche that says violence never solves anything, but look at our history. Most of it was written in violence. That's a sad fact, but one that is inescapable. You ask what kind of society we want to live in. I answer that it doesn't really matter what we want, we're stuck with what we've got. Our society is a by-product of human nature, and as such, there are many flaws. Wanting to change society is a noble idea, but it requires changing the human beast, and that's not likely.

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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cancerkazooClick Here to visit cancerkazoo's HomePageSend a Private Message to cancerkazooEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Natural selection....
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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for connecticutFIEROSend a Private Message to connecticutFIEROEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Toddster:

You come from the false premise that this society is "civilized" which, clearly, it is not. Caviat emptor. The woman was trying to mug someone.

I partially agree with you here. Go to any heavily populated area and drive around the streets. You will find civilized downtowns and peaceful streets, but you will also find burned out cars, drug dealers, people agreesively looking for violence, and just as many crack houses as homes. It's like some areas are war zones that you don't dare enter. Here in Hartford CT people get shot, stabbed, beaten and killed every single week. Usually in the North end, but it can happen pretty much anywhere. Then again you can go to downtown Hartford and see live Jazz and walk around the pubs with relative safety. It's crazy. Some people are so ignorant, numb, desperate, drugged out, or just mean to the core that they simply feel no need to play by the rules. They rob, kill, destroy and hate. Not very civilized if you ask me.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jake_DragonSend a Private Message to Jake_DragonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
ATLANTA -- Five robbers picked the wrong victim in Midtown Atlanta last night and one of them paid with her life.
The victim, Thomas Autry, fought back; killing one robber and wounding another. Three other suspects are in jail.
Autry was walking to his girlfriend's home after getting off work as a waiter at Jocks and Jills.
The five suspects pulled up in a car and confronted the victim in the 500 block of Penn Street just before midnight.
Autry began running down the street yelling for help. Residents who heard him called 911. While he was running, Autry pulled a pocket knife from his backpack.
Two of the robbers jumped from the car. When one of the robbers pointed a shotgun at him, the Autry kicked it out of his hands.
At that point two of the robbers jumped on the victim. During the struggle he stabbed both of them. One, a teenaged female who has been identified as Amy Martin, died of her wounds. Officials say Martin was pregnant. A second is in critical condition.
Police arrived on the scene and with a description of the car; they quickly arrested the three other suspects.
Other suspects arrested were identified as Christopher Daniel, 19, of Atlanta; Kendall Barksdale, 18, of Atlanta; Christopher Hayes, 18, of Douglasville and a 16-year-old male juvenile. They will all be charged with aggravated assault and armed robbery.
Thomas Autry, who is a former U.S. Marine, will not be charged since police say he was acting in self defense. Officials say Autry is extremely remorseful.

He had to pull the knife from a backpack, he was not ready to kill anyone. He ran away yelling for help. Sure he kicked the shot gun to the ground, should he have waited until someone picked it back up before he used his knife to defend himself? Two people jumped him, the group had already held a gun on him and how was he to know how far the two people that jumped him were prepared to go? He is going to have to live with this for the rest of his life, do I feel sorry for the girl? Sure I feel bad that someone lost a life today, I feel bad when anyone has to die for no good reason. But she put this on herself, if put in the same situation I would do the same thing.
I probably wouldn’t have ran so far yelling, I'm not as young as I use to be and they didn’t make us run before a fight in the Navy

I hope this young man is able to get over the ordeal and go about his life, do you think that will be possible or do you think he will see this girls face every day for the rest of his life? Who should we be feeling bad for?
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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for under8tedSend a Private Message to under8tedEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

Just to keep some perspective on this, it was a pregnant teenage girl who was killed.

If she was that pregnant she shouldnt have been taking part in a mugging, should she?

and whats age got to do with it? if she is old enough to point a shotgun she is old enough to take the consequenses.

Kudos to that Marine.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierogtownerSend a Private Message to fierogtownerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Umm, a pregnant girl or not, IS, responsible for the well-being of the baby. She disregards her life, the unborn baby's life, the Marine's life. She deserved to die, unfortunately, in this case, the baby is dead too. Sorry.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Derek_85GTSend a Private Message to Derek_85GTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I just find it disturbing that they were all under 19, all five of them. Says something about the youth of my generation.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 05:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JohnnyKSend a Private Message to JohnnyKEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mxfox:

being that she was involved in this she would have probably had the child aborted by a doctor or aborted herself with drugs and drink,

That'll go down as the dumbest thing I hear all week, I'll bet.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 06:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for madcurlSend a Private Message to madcurlEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by under8ted:
If she was that pregnant she shouldnt have been taking part in a mugging, should she?

Kudos to that Marine.

From the report, She was only 2-weeks pregnant which she may not known? The report went onto say that in the past weeks, "Recent drive-by" robberies have occured.

As for the girl involved....too bad. She and her hoodlums had plenty of time to back-out of the robbery. However, they decided to chase the dude. As for the victim, "I'd rather be a live dog than a dead lion."

As for the media going to the victims house...Those bastards!!! They blasted the guys apartment number all over the tv station. I see the criminals "friends" coming back for playback. Strange how when the police kills someone, the tv media keeps their address out of view. If I was the guy who was victimised, I'd be ready to move out of the area.

[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 05-30-2006).]

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Report this Post05-30-2006 06:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FIEROPHREKSend a Private Message to FIEROPHREKEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I have a question. Can you look at a teeneage girl and tell she's 2 weeks preggers? I sure as hell can't and i bet when the shotgun was presented the EX-Marine wasn't thinking about anyone at the confrotation being pregnant. The bottom line is she shouldn't have had her piece-o-sh!t a$$ there. I doubt she herself knew she was pregnant. The fact that she was close enough to the action to get stabbed to death means she was there for no intention of doing any good. She stepped into a situation that she couldn't handle and wound up paying the ultimate price. I wouldn't cry for the dead woman , I'll cry for her unborn child. Why do people always turn sh!t around and make it look like the victim is actually at fault ? A law abidding citizen gets attacked and he's the criminal, yeah he shouldn't have been walking the streets thats just crazy. I mean no "honost joe" does that anymore he musta been up to no good and deserved to be attacked.


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Report this Post05-30-2006 06:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cadillac JackSend a Private Message to Cadillac JackEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
It is truly a screwed up world or civilization or whatever when a perfectly innocent individual cannot walk down the street without being attatcked by others pregnant or not. The marine did not make the problem worse by defending himself, most likely he made it better. If he had just given up and let them kill him they wouldn't have any reason to stop what they are doing.

I, as well as others, feel sorrow for the unborn child, the child having never had the oppurtunity to do anything at all wrong. At least the baby's mother will not have to live with the fact that she killed her baby.

As screwed up as this world is I'm surprised the victum has not been arrested for keeping himself alive. If we had a few more like him around, this world would not be so screwed up.

If you're there marine, my hat comes off to you. Thank you, both for serving in our military and for defending yourself against the scum that make this world screwed up. While others are whining about it, you are doing somehting about.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Scott-WaClick Here to visit Scott-Wa's HomePageSend a Private Message to Scott-WaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I'd bet the pregnency was detected during the autopsy or was a misreporting by the media... I'm not sure how you detect a pregnency at 2 weeks, I didn't think most tests worked til you got closer to a month. But... at 2 weeks the embryo is just two layers of cells.

Anyways... it doesn't matter, the girl is dead. She won't be participating in anymore armed robberies. Her friends might rethink their life choices also. Sucks it had to happen, but it was their choice. Wouldn't be any better of a story if someone else died.

I'm glad the marine is ok.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by under8ted:

if she is old enough to point a shotgun she is old enough to take the consequenses.

Perhaps you'd like to provide a link to the news story that states she was pointing a shotgun.

Oh wait, forget about it. Facts aren't important.

Let's spice up the story a little more - I heard she got off about five rounds before she got taken out. And that was after she ran out of ammo for the AK-47. Then there was the grenade launcher that the other guy had, and the unborn baby was packing a pistol...

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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jake_DragonSend a Private Message to Jake_DragonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

Perhaps you'd like to provide a link to the news story that states she was pointing a shotgun.

Oh wait, forget about it. Facts aren't important.

Let's spice up the story a little more - I heard she got off about five rounds before she got taken out. And that was after she ran out of ammo for the AK-47. Then there was the grenade launcher that the other guy had, and the unborn baby was packing a pistol...

It doesn’t matter if she had a gun or not, she was with someone that did and after that person was unarmed she jumped the guy. Now if you are jumped would you take the time to find out if they have a gun or not?
It doesn’t matter if she wasn’t the one holding the gun, as soon as one of them pointed a gun at him they were all considered armed. Why would anyone think differently in the same situation? He should have taken the gun away from them and arrested them.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

It doesn’t matter ...

That's the sad part, it doesn't matter to some of you. It doesn't matter to some of you that someone makes a totally erroneous statement in this thread and you accept it - lock, stock, and barrel. Someday the bullsh!t may be about you, but it doesn't matter...

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
There's video on the page I linked to. They've been adding updates as the story progressed. According to the video, they think they were members of a gang and this might have been an initiation.

So to keep things in perspective, that's a pregnant teenage gang banger attempting armed robbery. (and yes, you don't have to be the one holding the gun for it to be armed robbery if your accompliss has one)
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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Formula88:

So to keep things in perspective, that's a pregnant teenage gang banger attempting armed robbery. (and yes, you don't have to be the one holding the gun for it to be armed robbery if your accompliss has one)

So who's arguing that point?

All I'm asking for is to keep our posts here factual, just in case anyone else cares...
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Report this Post05-30-2006 07:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cadillac JackSend a Private Message to Cadillac JackEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

That's the sad part, it doesn't matter to some of you. It doesn't matter to some of you that someone makes a totally erroneous statement in this thread and you accept it - lock, stock, and barrel. Someday the bullsh!t may be about you, but it doesn't matter...

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

The facts matter very much to me, and the fact is she did not have a shotgun. But does that make her a victim? Should she be allowed to attack people without a gun? Should we not be allowed to protect ourselves, by any means necessary, when physically attacked by others? Should the marine have fought back less hard? Should he have asked if she was pregnant? If so, how does one determine the exact amount of force to use when defending one's self from death? In that situation how can you be sure she doesn't have a knife, a shank, a razor, a handgun or whatever. Do you believe she is less dangerous because she's female and/or pregnant. Do you believe she is responsible for her actions, or did you or I or the marine somehow cause her to attack? You haven't said so but when I read what you have written I feel that is what you believe. If I'm mistaken and my thoughts/questions offend you, I apologize in advance.

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Report this Post05-30-2006 08:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cadillac Jack:

...but when I read what you have written I feel that is what you believe.

Jack, read over all my posts in this thread (both pages) without any preconceived notions. If you still have questions for me, I'll answer them.

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Report this Post05-30-2006 08:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
One of the reports from WGST in Atlanta is that they are now saying that the girl wasn't pregnant.

Edit - All of the local news webpages are no longer saying that she was pregnant.

Here's the most detailed account that I can find...

(AP) -- A former Marine cook fatally stabbed one teenager and wounded a second while fending off a robbery by a group of youths armed with two guns and a pair of brass knuckles. Police spokeswoman Silvia Abernathy says 36-year-old Thomas Autry acted in self-defense when the suspects jumped him around 11 p-m last night, and he will NOT face charges. Abernathy says the victim was fearing for his life when he struck back with a pocket knife he had. The girl he stabbed, 17-year-old Amy Martin, was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. The accomplice who was wounded, 17-year-old Christopher Daniel, was listed in critical condition at Atlanta Medical Center. Daniel and three other youths involved in the robbery -- a 16-year-old and 17-year-olds Kendall Barksdale and Christopher Hayes -- were charged with aggravated assault and armed robbery. The day after the attack, Autry, cigar in his mouth and bandage on his index finger, returned to his girlfriend's apartment, where he had the locks changed. He told reporters he doesn't feel like a hero. Autry, who was stationed in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, says he tried to flee his attackers but they caught him and one of them pointed a gun at him. Police say the suspects, armed with a shotgun, handgun and brass knuckles, jumped on Autry and tried to rob him. After the attack, the suspects ran back to their car and drove off. Police found them later at a hospital, where the teenage girl died. According to the autopsy, she had suffered a single stab wound to the chest. Autry suffered a cut to his hand and a bruise on his chest. Police are investigating whether the youths were involved in other unsolved robberies in the area, but investigators have yet to connect them to any. (05/30/06 @ 6:30pm)

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 05-30-2006).]

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Report this Post05-30-2006 09:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cadillac JackSend a Private Message to Cadillac JackEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

Jack, read over all my posts in this thread (both pages) without any preconceived notions. If you still have questions for me, I'll answer them.

OK I read this again, as you requested. You agree the marine was justified in his actions and that the thief was in the wrong. You just wanted to point out that she wasn't the perp with the shotgun. You are concerned about how screwed up the world is. I am assuming then that you believe we should be able to defend ourselves and that any amount of force is justified. I am also assuming that you agree that the thief was responsible for her own actions and therefore responsible for the death of her unborn child (if there actually was one) whether she had a gun or not. But it seems as though, and there again maybe I'm putting words in your mouth, that you think this all happened because "it's a screwed up world".

It's my belief it's a screwed up world because these things happen. And that if everyone reacted the way the marine did, it would be less screwed up. And although it would never be perfect it would be more perfect than it is now. Again, it is not my intension to antagonize. I just feel this is an important subject that needs discussed.

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Report this Post05-30-2006 09:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Formula88:

There's video on the page I linked to. They've been adding updates as the story progressed. According to the video, they think they were members of a gang and this might have been an initiation.

So to keep things in perspective, that's a pregnant teenage gang banger attempting armed robbery. (and yes, you don't have to be the one holding the gun for it to be armed robbery if your accompliss has one)

Originally posted by Patrick:

So who's arguing that point?

All I'm asking for is to keep our posts here factual, just in case anyone else cares...

No one that I know of. I was adding more information. It was not previously mentioned that she was a gang member. And now it looks like she may not have been pregnant, either.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 09:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jake_DragonSend a Private Message to Jake_DragonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

That's the sad part, it doesn't matter to some of you. It doesn't matter to some of you that someone makes a totally erroneous statement in this thread and you accept it - lock, stock, and barrel. Someday the bullsh!t may be about you, but it doesn't matter...

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

What facts are you wanting? It doesn’t matter if she had a gun or a tooth pick. She was part of an armed gang, who in their right mind would stop and make sure that they were defending themselves against an armed attacker when one of them already pointed a gun at him?

Fact this group of young people got in a car loaded with weapons looking for an easy target.
Fact they found someone and proceeded to rob this person at gun point
Fact the person they picked was not an easy target and after disarming one of them they still decided it was worth the risk to continue the attack.
Fact the girl lost her life, well guess what no one forced her to jump on him.

Fact is this could have all turned out different if she had decided to stay home instead of getting into a car with 4 other people and committing a crime. Do I feel bad for her, sure I do. If it had been only two people attacking him I’m pretty sure he would have just beat the crap out of them and they would have spent a few years in jail. But faced with 5 armed people with unknown weapons when would you stop fighting back because one of them would loose their life if you continued? If they had knocked his knife out of his hand and gave them enough time to pick up the gun where would he be?

I am not even remotely glad that she died, but he didn’t do anything wrong or provoke them in any way. She died because she chose that course of action.
You cant change the world after the fact. I would do the same thing he did in the same situation. Faced with 5 armed attackers I would be in kill mode before they got out of the car. Taking the time to determine how dangerous each attacker is will get you kill, once the gun came out they were all armed robbers with intent to kill.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 10:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FIEROPHREKSend a Private Message to FIEROPHREKEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Hey Patric hind sight is always 20/20. The sh!t hit the fan and thats how it played out . Sure it could've went down a million differant ways but when it's happening you don't have the luxury of running through each senario and picking the best outcome. Natural human survival instinct along with some good old Marine corp training kicked in and handled the situation. You can't change the past so why argue about it.


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Report this Post05-30-2006 10:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofoolClick Here to visit fierofool's HomePageSend a Private Message to fierofoolEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
On the radio, they stated that the Ultra-Liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution's story line was "Former Marine Kills Pregnant Robber" in an effort to build sympathy for the woman.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 10:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cadillac JackSend a Private Message to Cadillac JackEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierofool:

On the radio, they stated that the Ultra-Liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution's story line was "Former Marine Kills Pregnant Robber" in an effort to build sympathy for the woman.

Just their way of getting attention. You can't sell stuff if you don't have people's attention.

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Report this Post05-30-2006 11:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mxfoxClick Here to visit mxfox's HomePageSend a Private Message to mxfoxEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by JohnnyK:

That'll go down as the dumbest thing I hear all week, I'll bet.


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Report this Post05-30-2006 11:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for UaanaClick Here to visit Uaana's HomePageSend a Private Message to UaanaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Reminds me of this old "humor" post..

Liberal vs. Conservative Difference on Gun Debate

Question: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner and is running at you while screaming obscenities. In your hand is a Glock 40 and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Liberal Answer:

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that is inspiring him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me or would he just be content to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days to try to come to a conclusion.

Conservative Answer:


I'm not saying the former Marine is conservative or liberal, sounds like some of the old training kicked in and the chips fell where they did.
It's nice that some can think about the teenage girl that died which is all fine and nice in hindsight. At that time at that moment she was nothing more than a threat that had to be dealt with.
She rolled the dice, she lost.
I mourn her no more than any other thug that dies in any city across western civilization. They have the world at their feet and choose to adopt a thug life and thug culture, in fact I probably care less. As a female she has even more resources to escape poverty and get an education than a male.

I may be a bit more callus/cold then others have been, but I've been to some real ****holes around the world, and she and her friends live a life of luxury in comparison.
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Report this Post05-30-2006 11:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Scott-WaClick Here to visit Scott-Wa's HomePageSend a Private Message to Scott-WaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Scott-Wa:

I'd bet the pregnency was detected during the autopsy or was a misreporting by the media...

Looks like I had it with the second...

I wonder what fact checkers make these days.

[This message has been edited by Scott-Wa (edited 05-30-2006).]

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Report this Post05-31-2006 01:54 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BN BoomerSend a Private Message to BN BoomerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

Excuse me ?

Why? Did you open your mouth again and out popped some more of your putrid flatulence?
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Report this Post05-31-2006 10:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ditchSend a Private Message to ditchEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by FIEROPHREK:
I have a question. Can you look at a teeneage girl and tell she's 2 weeks preggers?

Nope. Personally, if I had been in his shoes, once the two jumped me (after escaping a shotgun being pointed at me) I wouldn't care if she was 2 weeks or full term. That would be the last thing on my mind at that point. I'd be stabbing them both as much as possible to protect myself and get out of there before the others get the shotgun again.

The best thing this guy can do right now is move. With his apartment number shown on the news and the attackers being potential gang members, he's probably not too safe right now.

[This message has been edited by ditch (edited 05-31-2006).]

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Report this Post05-31-2006 11:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for lou_diasSend a Private Message to lou_diasEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Read the original article again:

Contrary to earlier reports an autopsy showed that Martin was not pregnant when she was killed.

I've been jumped before. When I was getting kicked in the ribs and pounded on my face, if I had a knife, I would have swung wildly too. Man or woman, you shouldn't be robbing anybody. People put themselves in situations and try to blame someone else for the results.
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Report this Post05-31-2006 07:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofoolClick Here to visit fierofool's HomePageSend a Private Message to fierofoolEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
As Raydar said, the local tv and radio stations are saying the young woman was NOT pregnant. They HAVE been saying that two individuals were armed. One had a hand gun, and the other a sawed off shotgun. The person with the hand gun isn't identified, but the reporting leads you to believe it might have been the woman.

The defense attorney for one of the individuals is trying to get him released on the premise that he didn't get out of the car. This leads you to believe that 4 of the individuals exited the car after they chased the man down. Now, either of the other two men could have been the one that was armed with the hand gun. But that's not how it was written and reported.

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Report this Post05-31-2006 10:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

Talk about mob mentality…

Not once in this thread did I ever criticize what this Marine did. He protected himself. I openly stated I had no problem with that.

I simply made a comment about how it was a pregnant teenage girl who was killed (according to the news story at the time). Am I the only one who thinks it’s unfortunate that we have young people involved in criminal activities, and who then end up dying because of their own stupidity? Don’t any of you have sisters, daughters, or friends who are girls? Would it not bother you to see them become engaged in criminal activities and then die at 17 years of age? Would you not think that was a complete waste of potential? How is that in any way critical of the Marine’s actions?

You know, it’s one thing to disagree with someone here on this forum, even if in this case a bunch of you guys have intentionally or unintentionally misinterpreted what I’ve stated. It’s not enough that you slam me (that’s fine, I can take it), but why the negative ratings? I’ve picked up about ten of them. For what?

We’ve got a guy who’s posted in this thread who stated in Another thread:

Originally posted by under8ted:

The only good a dead cop.

no woder i smile every time I open a newspaper and read that one of them is dead. One is not enough.

Do the rest of you share his opinion? (If so, maybe I should be spending less time in this forum.)

I thought the rating system was to remove nut cases like that from our “community” here. It turns out his post hardly raised an eyebrow. Meanwhile, I’m being raked over the coals because I had the audacity to mention it was a teenage girl who died in the altercation! Well excuse me, but this seems somehow totally all f*cked up.

One guy here who is a real work of art is BN Boomer. There were many comments in this thread that I felt were unjust, but I’m still scratching my head over the following exchange:

Originally posted by Patrick:

Just to keep some perspective on this, it was a pregnant teenage girl who was killed.

Originally posted by BN Boomer:

I sure hope to never see you showing support for abortion rights.

Originally posted by Patrick:

Excuse me ?

Originally posted by BN Boomer:

Why? Did you open your mouth again and out popped some more of your putrid flatulence?

What the hell was that all about? How did “abortion rights” enter the discussion? When I asked for clarification, all I got was some insipid juvenile insults. Normally I respect forum members who’ve been here for awhile, but obviously in this case that isn’t warranted.

If it turns out that none of you wish to have an open discussion here based on facts, then by all means, continue to keep those negative ratings coming. Normally, I don’t give a hoot about the rating system here, but I have to admit, this thread has been a real eye opener for me. And from what I can see, it ain’t pretty…
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Report this Post05-31-2006 11:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
We get your point, Patrick. It is a tragedy when someone throws their life away, either by being stupid or making bad choices. It's a tragedy that she allegedly decided to become a gang member. It's a tragedy that she chose to participate in armed robbery.

But here's the point you seem to miss. She made those choices. Tragic, sure, but not as tragic as the intended victim - an innocent man who did not have a choice. He was forced into a situation where he had to fight for his life, and now has to live with those consequences. She made bad choices. He didn't have a choice.

What more do you want? Would it have been less tragic if she was a 37 year old gang member? I know what you're saying about throwing away a young life, but she did it to herself and I don't have as much sympathy for that. I would have been more sympathetic if an innocent 17 year old was attacked and killed by a group of thugs, rather than being a part of the group of thugs.

Did you know right from wrong when you were 17? How many armed robberies did you participate in as a teenager? Or did you know it was wrong and choose not to be a criminal?
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Report this Post06-01-2006 12:21 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Formula88:

We get your point, Patrick.

But here's the point you seem to miss. She made those choices.

Good gawd, what do I have to say to demonstrate I that agree with what you're stating ??!!!

Didn't I just post the following?

Originally posted by Patrick:

...and who then end up dying because of their own stupidity?

Maybe I should start a thread entitled, "Ten against one. Fair fight? Perhaps not." You can then all line up and take a swing.

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Report this Post06-01-2006 12:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Scott-WaClick Here to visit Scott-Wa's HomePageSend a Private Message to Scott-WaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I for one understood your point Patrick... just didn't see a reason to jump into that particular flamefest, dumb ass comments have been flying in a bunch of threads and only so much stomping one can do in a day.
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Report this Post06-01-2006 12:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for UaanaClick Here to visit Uaana's HomePageSend a Private Message to UaanaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

I don't think you get our point, I haven't thrown any negs your way not sure why somone would.

Honestly I don't care about the girl, one way or another. Is that what you were looking for?

Only tragedy in this is that of the former Marine who has to have his life disrupted by scum. He will probably have to move now that the press has announced his address to the rest of the scum in ATL.

I will not see her as some kind of poor victim innocently led astray from the straight and narrow. Or how we as a people failed her "It takes a village" and all that BS.
Maybe if we started punishing those who commit crimes instead of the catch and release programs we have now there might be more incentive to not break the law. Too bad others think if we throw money at the problem and create outreach programs and nighttime basketball courts the problem will be solved.
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Report this Post06-01-2006 01:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ShysterClick Here to visit Shyster's HomePageSend a Private Message to ShysterEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:
Talk about mob mentality…

I simply made a comment about how it was a pregnant teenage girl who was killed (according to the news story at the time).

You know, it’s one thing to disagree with someone here on this forum, even if in this case a bunch of you guys have intentionally or unintentionally misinterpreted what I’ve stated.

If it turns out that none of you wish to have an open discussion here based on facts…

But if it turns out that your "facts" are illusory, what do you expect? Martin was female. She was young. However, "[c]ontrary to earlier reports an autopsy showed that Martin was not pregnant when she was killed." (from your link).

She did, however, choose to be a thug, and to join with others in threatening the life of one who not only had not threatened her, but who had volunteered to protect her freedom. She joined in threatening one who deliberately ran when he could have fought.

On the other hand, your second post was deliberately inflammatory, and disregarded "fact": "Sorry if it wrecks the illusion of some 6'5" 350lb muscle-bound guy being handed his ass," you said. Nowhere in any story are there any reports of a real, or illusory, "6'5" 350lb muscle-bound guy." What "illusion" were you trying to torpedo?

Fact: Very, very close to 1/2 of humanity is below-average.
Fact: People figure out ways to kill themselves every day.
Fact: There's no indication that this former Marine asked to have this situation foisted on him, and every indication he tried to avoid it.

Given the above, I think you set yourself up for the flame war. (In case you're wondering, I'm not one of your new "neg's." I've yet to "-" anyone, even a couple of people who I thought richly deserved it. I figure that the trolls will go away if we all just have the intelligence to quit responding to them. People who need attention and don't get it tend to go elsewhere. ) Yes, you may be right that there was a certain amount of "projection" bravado in the original post. Was it worth ticking off everyone to point that out in a sarcastic fashion? In my opinion, no. Maybe it was, to you, and if so, I defer to your opinion, but I would suggest that you not complain about the result.
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Report this Post06-01-2006 01:37 AM Click Here to See the Profile for DRAClick Here to visit DRA's HomePageSend a Private Message to DRAEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I could care less if it was a girl/woman/boy/man, could care less if she was holding a shotgun or holding the door open. It's my opinion that if they are positively identified they should be lined up and shot. I used to think every person in this world had some part of them that was good and was worth working to save. Now I see 9 year old kids destroying their neighborhoods, being initiated into gangs. I see 5 teenage boys beating and robbing and 87 year old woman in her home and taking her S.S. money ( I had to come board up her door that they kicked in at 1 in the morning). I see a boy try to steal a car while me, the apartment complex manager, and the owner of the vehicle are 10feet away! The owner of the Vehicle beat the guy to within an inch of his life all the while yelling, "you try to steal my $h!T, my $hit that I work for". I see at least 1 incident a WEEK! And I have to clean up after the trash! For the most part they choose the weakest, oldest, most vernable people they can to attack. They have kids ride around on bicycles and watch peoples schedules so the can break in while they are away. These are duplexes and the neigbors will never come forward and identify the perps, one told me he knows who's behind a lot of the crime in the area but will not say who because they do not bother him! The police come, take a report, give you a case number, and leave.
Maybe we should just all look the other way, maybe we should give these people MORE goverment assistance. Maybe we should get personally involved and try to reach out to them, feel free, you'll most likely draw back a bloody nub.
Good ridance to her, and Patrick, I have two daughters, at some point they have to make choices and live or die with them. I wouldn't feel a damn thing for the girl, but I might for her parents if they had truly tried to raise their daughter to make the right choices (an unknown factor at this point!).
Debating the rights and wrongs of a situation is just great but real life sucks!

[This message has been edited by DRA (edited 06-01-2006).]

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