In case you missed it Pokey is selling his island and it was featured in the Parade Magazine in your Sunday paper (May 6th issue). If you still have it look for Beaver Island on page 15. It will also be in the news with KCRA-TV in Sacramento, California tomorrow or thursday for anyone in that area. More info at
Talk about land prices being way out of whack. Is it me or does anyone else think that is just a Todd high?
11 acres of island that works out to a little over $36,000 an acre.
I mean I knew you guys in Calyfornia were off your nut but get real.
Farm land here goes for about $1000 a acre, clearcut wood land for about $500 full of brush cutoff, a building lot goes for anywhere from 15k to 100k
If its not too far to civilization, with some work and money, someone could have a real dreamhome there.. Not sure about the boat though.. Would it be an enviromental concern that would need to be moved sometime down the road and cost another fortune to move and dispose of?
[This message has been edited by isthiswhereiputausername? (edited 05-08-2007).]
I built Swamp Castle with me own two hands... it sank into the swamp. So I built a second... it sank into the swamp.. I built a third.. It burned down, fell over then sank into the swam but the fourth one stayed up!
I saw the picture of that in Parade magazine last Sunday, and I thought it looked like Pokey's island. Isn't that a picture that Fierobear took from his plane?
I saw the picture of that in Parade magazine last Sunday, and I thought it looked like Pokey's island. Isn't that a picture that Fierobear took from his plane?
$400,000 may seem like a lot of money, but if I had it to spend on land, I would be all over that like white on rice. A chance to own your own Island in California none the less!!!! My wife and I have dreamed of owning an island for years. That is the one thing we WILL buy if we ever win one of these super lotteries. Then you can have your own road coarse put in and drive as fast as you want, all you want
*edit* I forgot to add, you can do it NEKKID!!!!!
[This message has been edited by 8Ball (edited 05-09-2007).]
Wow, it's got a working meth lab? Talk about a moneymaker!
That little shack is worth its weight in gold. It was built in the early 40s as a home for a one man operation commercial fisherman. House is on record so therefore can be rebuilt or modified without having to get new construction permits. It is grandfathered in from way back. So Over the years I have propped it up so it would not fall. It isn't sinking just falling down. I abandoned the whole project due to health issues and during my absense it has really taken a turn for the worse so I am going to go in there and brace it up again. It is actually the best draw to the island in my opinion.
As far as 400 thousand being to much money I say it aint much money out here and is actually the cheapest island in this part of California. Besides there are already offer for 100 thousand over asking and Poor Todds phone is ringing of the hook about this place so to the nay sayers I say
Talk about land prices being way out of whack. Is it me or does anyone else think that is just a Todd high?
11 acres of island that works out to a little over $36,000 an acre.
I mean I knew you guys in Calyfornia were off your nut but get real.
You haven't looked into property value in CA recently, have you? I can think of a dozen cities off the top of my head where $400,000 wouldn't get you much more than a small house if you're lucky, and on far, far less than 11 acres.
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88: Actually, in my town, $400,000 wouldn't buy you this shack on a regular residential lot. Location, location, location. Too bad your realtor is such a douche...
MR. Jeff Stillwell, Why is it that you can not maintain any sort of reasonable behavior? You ***** and cry about everyone abusing you when in fact it is you shooting yourself in the foot everytime. You could remain on Pennocks anonymous but you just can't keep your big mouth shut. Personally though I think you are trying to get kicked out once again. In your pitiful skewed disturbed thought process this must be the only way you can get your needed attention. You are worse than a strung out crack addict giving blowjobs for puff money. You are impotent in real life. All talk and lies with imaginative revisionist views to fool yourself into feeling worth something. When are you gonna be a man Jeff?
Originally posted by pokeyfiero: You are worse than a strung out crack addict giving blowjobs for puff money
I've met a few of those types.. Cant say that I agree entirely because they arent all that bad as individuals.
Now if if you were to go with something like. You are worse than a dog owning neighbor who allows his mangy yipping mutt to **** all over the lawn and lets it bake in the hot sun emmiting smells that can draw flies from a 90 mile radius..
Now thats bad..
Ya know.. I never though of Todd as being a feminine hygiene product before.. Gahh...
Since it's an Island, freestanding land unit, whould it be possible to set things up so's you could consider yourself a freestanding government, by right of ownership? Then, as a continuation, be able to secede, from the surounding state government, and establish rules and regulations that would supercede previous regulations?
Set up your own religious heiarchy, and make certain previously controlled substances an intigral part of religious ceremonies. There is a legal precidence, for Native American's use of controled substances (peyote) for purely religious practices. Nothing fancy, just what a person could grow, distill, or manufacture within your personal teritory, for religious porposes only?
------------------ Ol' Paint, 88 Base coupe auto. Turning white on top, like owner. Leaks a little, like owner. Doesn't smoke, unlike owner
[This message has been edited by DtheC (edited 05-09-2007).]
Since it's an Island, freestanding land unit, whould it be possible to set things up so's you could consider yourself a freestanding government, by right of ownership? Then, as a continuation, be able to secede, from the surounding state government, and establish rules and regulations that would supercede previous regulations??
Not without the National Guard rolling in and overthrowing your arse
Talk about land prices being way out of whack. Is it me or does anyone else think that is just a Todd high?
11 acres of island that works out to a little over $36,000 an acre.
I mean I knew you guys in Calyfornia were off your nut but get real.
Actually, the lowest offer we have received so far is the asking price. Everything else is over list. We deliberately priced it aggressively in order to generate "buzz". I know it seems like a lot relative to other parts of the country but 11.5 acres of good farmland anywhere else in this area would begin at $700,000. But thanks for telling me my job. I'll be sure to watch myself.....{segway}
ON TV! Not only is the island in the nationally syndicated Parade Magazine but tonight you folks in the central valley can tune into Channel 3 news KCRA and see me being interviewed on the deck of the ship. Then again on Saturday on the Channel 13 KOVR news Sacramento and finally on Sunday Morning on the "Goodday Sacramento" show with Cody Stark on CW31 (Cable 12).
When I market a property, I MARKET A PROPERTY!
Tune in!
[This message has been edited by Toddster (edited 05-10-2007).]
They didn't give me credit for the Parade article text or even put the web link in there like I asked so we're both shafted. Oh well, the price was right. I'll take all the free PR I can get.
[This message has been edited by Toddster (edited 05-10-2007).]
Hmmm, I'd be like, "Hey, you kids! Stay off my Island! I don't care if your Daddie's boat is the biggest in the marina, I'll friggin shell you, then run you over with my metal hull!!! ARRRR!!!!"
Yeah, I'd have to build a Pirate castle on the side over looking that covered boat dock, and have cannons pointing that way...
OK, here is the latest on the TV braodscasts. Channel 3 had it on last night at 11:00pm, sorry for the late notice but I only found out at 8:00pm last night myself.
BUT, Channel 13 news on SUNDAY at 10:00PM and the Good Day Sacramento Show on Monday Morning are still there to see.
Now if I can just convince the Bay Area Stations to carry the story...argh!
Gee, I guess I must have imagined all those Humvees and Guardsman down there then.
As usual, you have no clue what you're talking about. The governor (a very liberal democrat) was complaining about not having the resources. When asked what she needed that she didn't have, she said "I'm not sure, it just makes sense that since they're over in Iraq they're not here when we need them". Pure political BS. I used to like her. Even voted for her once.
John Stricker
Originally posted by 84Bill:
How can they do that when they are all in Iraq?
Kansas was recently hit with tornados and the "national guard" or what was left behind was nonexistant and unable to render aid to the victims.
Originally posted by jstricker: The governor (a very liberal democrat) was complaining about not having the resources. When asked what she needed that she didn't have, she said "I'm not sure, it just makes sense that since they're over in Iraq they're not here when we need them". Pure political BS.
I recently heard 'Ahhnahld', (R) governor of California, say the same thing in response to the Catalina Island fire. Maybe it was the Griffith Park fire. Dollars to doughnuts that if the equipment were there, it would not be used. I would even bet that there is equipment there that is not being used.
I recently heard 'Ahhnahld', (R) governor of California, say the same thing in response to the Catalina Island fire. Maybe it was the Griffith Park fire. Dollars to doughnuts that if the equipment were there, it would not be used. I would even bet that there is equipment there that is not being used.
That's because for Democrats (and certain others), it's all about perception rather than substance.
I recently heard 'Ahhnahld', (R) governor of California, say the same thing in response to the Catalina Island fire. Maybe it was the Griffith Park fire. Dollars to doughnuts that if the equipment were there, it would not be used. I would even bet that there is equipment there that is not being used.
Welcome to California where we spend billions building power plants we don't need and have never used, established expensive and useless air quality boards because California air is in no way connected to the rest of the air on the planet, and where it's OK for Nancy Pelosi to bulldoze two endangerous species wildlife preserves in the name of profits but no one else can.