You know, it must be pretty bad when you can't even keep a good bashing thread from being hijacked.
Then it can only get worse when you can't keep it from landing in the TrashCan.
It's too bad PFF doesn't have an Exporting policy.
If there was an exporting policy it could be exported to RFT where it would blend right in.
------------------ After Shaunbag is exposed as having asked Archie for a job as a Slack-Jawed Yokel Archie sings ......... so I pulled off my hat & said imagine that, you workin' for meeeee. Lies, lies........
I think all of those numbers sound incredibly low, myself. But it's fairly simple to have a bottleneck in the sytem that can mess up the horsepower. I think it would be a lot more helpful if Archie, or someone else who ran their car on another dyno, to post the numbers.
9:29pm: All my buddys from RFT have chimed in to show support for my bold move............ I'm so proud....& I'm so cool, sure to get that reach around now.
Originally posted by Oreif: Just out of curiosity what is your opinion of the following other cars/engines that were dyno'd at Daytona on the same day? Like: 3.4DOHC dyno'd 158rwhp 3800SC dyno'd 170rwhp 3.4DOHC with nitrous dyno'd 227rwhp
What's the nitrous shot on the 3.4? 3800 series I or II?
I have been watching this thread for a couple days. I am not getting into it, but I just wanted to thank Archie for all the work he has done, and will do in the future.
I know what I'll do, the guys from PFF aren't as smart as we are, I'll do like so many other Shaunbag nutswingers do, I'll, continue to take the credit for the bashfest on RFT & I'll play the poor innocent victim of Archie's namecalling on PFF........
6-8-07 5:10pm: It's been nearly a day since I started the bashfest. Been keepin my head low, I'll poke my head in once in awhile to maintain my status as innocent victim. .........
I gotta keep my head down on PFF. No one from PFF will notice that I've been bashing right along in the parallel thread going on at RFT............I'd hate to get voted off of PFF, then I'd have no life at all.
Archie, are you trying to be like ambfiero? Because it's working.
Since it seems like you know how to post pics, how about you post that dyno pic where you picked up 20hp?
Nope, I actually have something to post & good pics are the best kinda posts.
I can post anything with a .jpg on it but I don't know how to make the charts into .jpg's. I'll email them to Alex or Orief if they want to post them for me.
While we're talking about posting pics. How aboutyou post up some of your work, show us what you can do big shot.
BTW: I have about 15000 more pics already up on FTP, so I can keep posting as long as you wanna keep talkin.
Originally posted by Archie: I can post anything with a .jpg on it but I don't know how to make the charts into .jpg's. I'll email them to Alex or Orief if they want to post them for me.
While we're talking about posting pics. How aboutyou post up some of your work, show us what you can do big shot.
Your computer illiteracy doesn't surprise me all that much, carb man. But since you want to play, why not? I'll post some of my swap pics.
Engine bay, middle of wiring:
What's that? You don't like me because I promote alternative V8's? Superior V8's with quad cams?
Oh, by the way Archie..... Just to show there's no hard feelings, here's your battery holder:
When it arrived, it was warped. I didn't say anything because I wanted to be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't want a new one. You've done enough, thanks for offering though.