Judging from your ratings bar, it appears forum members have about had enough of your personal attacks and your "labeling" of anyone you don't agree with.
e30, I wouldn't be so quick to join the Patrick bandwagon. Don't judge aceman based on his ratings bar. You of all people should know now that ratings around here mean nothing about the person, because people throw negs around like candy. Now I have had some run-ins with Back on Holiday as well, but with him it was easy to move past those. Patrick is the Hypocrite that aceman calls him.
[This message has been edited by Hulki U. My-BFF (edited 10-01-2008).]
e30, I wouldn't be so quick to join the Patrick bandwagon. Don't judge aceman based on his ratings bar. You of all people should know now that ratings around here mean nothing about the person, because people throw negs around like candy. Now I have had some run-ins with Back on Holiday as well, but with him it was easy to move past those. Patrick is the Hypocrite that aceman calls him.
Understandable. I dont know patrick and have never conversed with him so i cant say anything bad about him. But aceman on the other hand i have conversed with. and as of right now i think he is a pompous a-hole. When he does change his attitude then i will change my feelings about him. But i do feel i have all the right in the world to give aceman a neg simply because he doesnt know when to shut up, he had to keep poking the bear and one of these days its going to bite him in the arse. and i wasnt judge him based of his raiting bar. i was going off of his "I'm the king sh!t around here, im right your wrong, anything you say, i will bash attitude."
Dude just really needs to lighten up. I dont hold grudges im not butt hurt over him. he's ruining his own image.
I do hope that everyone here can see that im not a bad guy just because, i cant spell very well, dont like honda's, and supposedly racist, prejudice, and ignorant.
I don't give a rat's ass or two squirrel's nuts that you can't spell. I don't care that you are not intelligent.
I will spout off over racist, bigoted, prejudice remarks. I will give my 2 cents worth on a subject that I am an expert on. I have an expertise and background that very, very few have. I AM entitled to be high and mighty in that area.
I pulled out the crap that wasn't racist/prejudice/bigoted/ignorant hate based language. YOU, YES YOU have the racist/prejudice/bigoted/ignorant hate based issues. I put my 2 cents in here because it is obvious that you are too ignorant to understand that the person that is a "racist" is quite possibly YOU!
Stay an ignorant, prejudice bigot throwing out comments, thoughts and slurs. Fine. But don't think that if I see it that I will ignore it.
I may be an assshole, but I don't throw out insults or slurs because of a person's color, religion, ethnic background, sex or any other trait that is 100% out of their control to change or fix.
IGNORANCE....One can fix
HYPOCRISY... One can fix
PREJUDICE... One can fix
BIGOTRY... ONE can fix
Originally posted by e30tech:
How much do you hate buying a car from someone that isnt the same race as you.
Now IM NOT RACIST, my best friend is hispanic, i also speak spanish fairly well.
I went into a local car dealer where i live, because he does get some nice cars. Well the owner and all his employees are hispanic.... nothing wrong with that.
But he likes to try to screw over white people when you go in their and try to buy a car.
and the reason i wont race them is because its like being in the special olimpics, even if you win your still retarded.) (dont get upset over the special olimpics comment, i have a sister with down syndrom. i was just making a point about honda's)
I asked what he did to it. well after about 5 min of beating around the bush. he finally admits hes done nothing to the engine. Well i said he could keep the screens and all the other stupid junk that he put into it and sell it to me for 12k. and i had the money to buy it right their too. He said no i can get 18k out of it. So i was like whatever and left.
Well at the time i was a manager at a tire store. A hispanic came in with the car. i asked him if he bought it. Yes he did. I asked how much.
HE BOUGHT THAT DAMN THING FOR 10K. i was soooooo pissed off about that.
I went down their and asked him WFT was up with that. He told me because im a stupid F'in White Guy. and i would buy anything. I didnt tho. He is the biggest jack a$$ in the world. Id like to get him back but dont know how.
e30tech, Before I tear you a new one, I want to say that I didn’t see anything too over the top in your first post. I too have used the famous Special Olympics quote. I do not find it offensive. But found out some do and I never used it again.
I’ll admit that I didn’t spell the word “enough” correctly until I was 18 years old. I only have a high school education with weak English language skills. FLAME SUIT ON
Originally posted by aceman: From this post, you seem ignorant.
ignorant: uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics" by your own words you admit that you are ignorant of grammar and spelling.
Originally posted by e30tech: And the truth is i suck at grammar and spelling. ill admit it because its the truth
You don’t know how to use an apostrophe. You don’t know the difference between the words (they’re, their, there), (it’s, its), (I'll, ill), (to, too, two), (threw, through), (you’re, your) (can’t, cant), (I’m, IM) and weither isn’t even a word.
Sense I can’t make any cents of what e30tech wrote, could someone give me 50 since so I can use a payphone to call him to tell me?
Originally posted by e30tech: How much do you hate buying a car from someone that isnt the same race as you. Now IM NOT RACIST, my best friend is hispanic, i also speak spanish fairly well. Underground Auto Dynamics <---------underground lol are you kidding me,dont rip a name off a game just because you cant think of one But he likes to try to screw over white people when you go in their and try to buy a car. Well Im a BMW fan and i love all imports. (except honda's, i hate honda's i wont race them or drive them. and the reason i wont race them is because its like being in the special olimpics, even if you win your still retarded.) (dont get upset over the special olimpics comment, i have a sister with down syndrom. i was just making a point about honda's) or more of bondo would crack and fall off. He said that it has a sound 500HP N/A. no i dont think so loser. i wouldnt buy it for 25k in a million years. the best part is i raced it with my bone stock 3000GT VR-4 and was running away from it, it had no nuts what so ever. I saw that he had a 98 M3 BMW, black, stock rims, put video monitors in the headrest's and in the visors. BONE well i go in their and ask how much he wants for it. He replied 18,000... ?!?!?!?!? WTF!!!!!!!!! I was like are you kidding me, thats a bone stock M3 4dr auto. with minor body damage. and you want 18k? Well i do know a lot about BMW's, not as much as some in no guru but i do know a lot. I said explain to me how its worth that much. the car books in excelent condition for 13k and i knew that for a I asked what he did to it. well after about 5 min of beating around the bush. he finally admits hes done nothing Well i said he could keep the screens and all the other stupid junk that he put into it and sell it to me for 12k. and i had the money to buy it right their too. He said no i can get 18k out of it. So i was like whatever and left. I went down their and asked him WFT was up with that. He told me because im a stupid F'in White Guy. and i would buy anything. I didnt tho. He is the biggest jack a$$ in the world. Id like to get him back but dont know how. plus i dont do mean things to Look im sure their are certain cars that you dont like. Im just not fond honda's so i can say whatever id like about them. Dont care if you own one or not. my opinion. But thats fine if i made an enemy out of you, i wasnt looking to be your friend not with your quick hasty neg repping because someone doesnt like a but thats fine im not mad at you do what you will, i dont need to impress you no i wasnt prejudiced against mentally handicapped people. i said i wasnt. i have a sister with down syndrom which i stated also and i take care of here because our parents passed away when we were young and i dont want to see her in a home where she can be abused by the help. And in fact Im not the first person he did that too, that is white anyway, and i have herd plenty of stories. the car. But ryan didnt have any reciepts which was hid dumb fault. Close in a f'n ignorant mix im half white half hispanic ahh i never said honda owners were retarded i said the cars are. i have nothing against people who own honda's, its what they like. its just not my bag o tee. ive been called plenty of names by the import groups here in town because i have fiero's and drive then on a every day basis. but you dont see me getting butt no but you shouldnt assume, i never said i was white. i just said what the owners comment to me was. No i was thier to buy and i said id gim him 12k cash for it right thier. then i went to the I understand where everyone is coming from. I have no problem with anyone on here. but seriously a neg rep because of a i dont like honda's OHHHH im soooo sorry i didnt be so clear on that i didnt neg rep her. one because i cant i havent been here a month yet. two it wont be retaliation it was because i said i didnt like honda's i got a neg rep now that just lame. and yes i do ramble thats just how i am. Sorry if i pissed some people off and dont make sense but i i wont comment anymore. i swear you like to ruin threads. I just dont get people. i tryed to make it as not apauling as possible. But what can you do their is alwasys going to be Next ill get a neg rep because i dont like spiders or something. I know he can have any reason in the world to refuse me service. thats not the point. the point was when i asked I never made a big deal or lost my cool when talking to him. im just not that way. and its his loss and my gain. he didnt Trust me the topic was strayed in the second post. i dont judge people either. but a neg rep because i dont like a car. that Just wanted to say thanks to those who know where im coming from on the topic. and wanted to say no thanks to those who make quick decisions because you dont like something someone said your IGNORANT why because you dont know me. you based everything off of one post. Or taking care of my handicapped sister because i dont trust institutes to take care of her properly. Or giving a car to my neibor for free because someone wrecked their old one. (ran a stop sign, and i have to many cars as it I dont know but after all that maybe i am stupid, uneducated, prejudiced, ignorant, rude. but thats just me Dont know if that was an apology but i will accept it. And the truth is i suck at grammar and spelling. ill admit it because its the truth And yea i WAS RAMBLING i know this thats what i do when im pissed. ill make sure to type everything in microsoft word and spell check it. and fix my grammar so i dont offend you super certain few dont like me or what i said. Im not a bad guy. and i could be the greatest friend to any of you. i dont stab people in the back and i stand up for other people. i would seriously like anyone to talk to my friend alico and ask him what he thinks about me and the things ive done i didnt know much about him at the time. but i am a good judge of character and i trusted him. and i dont regret it one bit. he is my best friend and thier is nothing he wouldnt do for me or what i would do for him. All im saying is that if you give me a chance and talk to me without making judgments at book face, im a really cool and nice guy. and if i concider you a friend weither i have met you in person or not. i would do anything for you within reason. its all good man. im done trying to protect my character. ill just let it come out in time. but thanks for the good note lets just get along please. i didnt want to start a battle. But from what i understand its not much of a battle compared to other posts lol and your done Im not worried im just going to let this thread die after this. and yea i love my 3000GT If you lived close id let you drive it you dont know what your missing. thats all i can think of off the top of my head i have the list written down somewhere. The bad thing about the list is that i just keep adding and dont take much off of it lol i just dont know whats wrong with you. do you dislike everyone that doesnt share the same point of view. I dont do business with him. never have, never will. because yes he does sell junk. thats it you read way way into the message trying to nit pick me. see i just cant get into honda's or acura's they just dont do it for me. i have seen some nice looking ones. but still i have a profound hate against civics and integras. because they got imbellished threw the FF movies. and every single kid their are several different skylines on the market besides the newest one they built. i only look at the single once again your done i have nothing to say to you. ignorant jerk get a life and let it go No really its ok man. you dont have to try to make me look any worse. see what your doing no really its cool I dont mind letting people like you think your right. because you are, im sooooo prejudice, and SEEM ignorant. the only reason i went down their is because he is the only dealer that gets imports that i want. other than that Sweet. gotta love 3KGT's props to your son lol i did hear you can do the same to those engines as the cars. but i dont know for sure never looked into it. but i cant talk bad about suv's. dont drive them. understandable. i dont use the term lightly. it was a fun poke at honda's. i still and always think thier dumb cars. ill refrain from using retarded. as to not offend anyone elese. but you have to admit the saying is funny, not ment to make fun of handycaped but honda's. and if you dont im sorry for your lack of a sense of humor Yep and i wasnt bashing anyone on here oh well ill take my few neg reps, all of the NON asshats thanks for making it up for lol thats so great !! lol thanks for that lol 1) Yea i love my bimmers. I have a 87 325 that im rebuilding right now. im trying to fine a S38 engine. and id you havent seen what those are all about look up on youtube e30 S38. thier so freaking fast and scary. monster's of torque, raging nuts i dont really need a M3 unless it was a E30 M3 with the S14 engine. i love the E30 M3's. not to fond 3) yea honda's do suck 1) im not dark complected 2) neither my mother or father were full blooded hispanic. (mom was half white half hispanic, dad was full white) 3) I dont have an accent of any sort 4) neither of my parents spoke spanish (i learned some in highschool) 5) i look like a white kid that works in the sun all day. just a light tan thats all. So yea im basically white i dont claim to be half and half. I am white. and if i was to claim to be hispanic i would be the whitest hispanic you ever met. I just stated that i have hispanic blood in me big whoop dude. its called the melting pot read into it. If it was a african american. it would be that same post just happened to be a hispanic owner. Did you take those dancing lessons yet like i suggested? obviously not because your still trying to posting dumb crap Hey wheres back on holiday with my bear sittin on the trashcan pick i want one!!! lol I agree. I hope i didnt have to talk to him before i went into the service. i assume he is at MEPS in omaha drrrrr ok then jimbo. and your right i am disturbed, nothing is worse that waking up in a cold sweat after you had a horrible dream about a honda. Oh and dont knock my military service, i servied my country. all you do is sit behind a desk and make people feel like their racist. Ok their Mr. P.C. i dont care it your skins blue, red, orange or green!!! You got a fancy name or group for those too? i dont care if you have been in the service for 50 years, dont knock my 4 years jerk. heres a definition for you. It was this post. i though you were calling me a Hypocrite. opps soooo sorry that wasnt directed to me. but still dude dont use the military as a so you dont have to break it down. And just because the guys canadian you dont think he can grasp some of the things the U.S. military does and preaches? I tell you what some of the things i have seen after being in the service, makes me not want to live in this country id rather live in Canada. I thought you were done dude? just cant stay away can you. Oh thats for not thinking No he didnt he just said that if i was ever in omaha i could swing by his office and talk to him im completely ignorant that meen a lot to me
I don't give a rat's ass or two squirrel's nuts that you can't spell. I don't care that you are not intelligent.
I will spout off over racist, bigoted, prejudice remarks. I will give my 2 cents worth on a subject that I am an expert on. I have an expertise and background that very, very few have. I AM entitled to be high and mighty in that area.
I pulled out the crap that wasn't racist/prejudice/bigoted/ignorant hate based language. YOU, YES YOU have the racist/prejudice/bigoted/ignorant hate based issues. I put my 2 cents in here because it is obvious that you are too ignorant to understand that the person that is a "racist" is quite possibly YOU!
Stay an ignorant, prejudice bigot throwing out comments, thoughts and slurs. Fine. But don't think that if I see it that I will ignore it.
I may be an assshole, but I don't throw out insults or slurs because of a person's color, religion, ethnic background, sex or any other trait that is 100% out of their control to change or fix.
IGNORANCE....One can fix
HYPOCRISY... One can fix
PREJUDICE... One can fix
BIGOTRY... ONE can fix
Ohhh did that hit a soft spot? Look i know im not racist ect ect ect. others have said that they dont see me as being racist ect ect ect. You can go ahead and make your self look worse buy YOUR IGNORANT COMMENTS.
Like i said you need a past time hobby i found you one that looks like it can be fun for you.
holy cow grammer police. we already know i cant spell well THANKS FOR RECAPPING THAT!
And yea some mitsubishi's are retarded.
And dont try to pull out " all mitsubishi's are retarded because i did say that i would drive a honda s2000 or a nsx" i was bashing civics and preludes ect.
But nice try to get me riled up!
[This message has been edited by e30tech (edited 10-01-2008).]
No, you're probably not a racist. We haven't dealt with a race in this thread for me to make an educated, experienced judgment on race. You are however, an ignorant, prejudice bigot. And, you are one that keeps opening one's mouth showing your issues.
4 years in the Army? You must have been sleeping during the quarterly classes or you were too ignorant to understand what was being put out in those briefings and sensing sessions.
No, you're probably not a racist. We haven't dealt with a race in this thread for me to make an educated, experienced judgment on race. You are however, an ignorant, prejudice bigot. And, you are one that keeps opening one's mouth showing your issues.
4 years in the Army? You must have been sleeping during the quarterly classes or you were too ignorant to understand what was being put out in those briefings and sensing sessions.
but still i dont care if i dont use an apostrophe, or if im poor at using the difference in their, there, ect. they sound the same and people get the point.
No, you're probably not a racist. We haven't dealt with a race in this thread for me to make an educated, experienced judgment on race. You are however, an ignorant, prejudice bigot. And, you are one that keeps opening one's mouth showing your issues.
4 years in the Army? You must have been sleeping during the quarterly classes or you were too ignorant to understand what was being put out in those briefings and sensing sessions.
No, you're probably not a racist. We haven't dealt with a race in this thread for me to make an educated, experienced judgment on race. You are however, an ignorant, prejudice bigot. And, you are one that keeps opening one's mouth showing your issues.
Lol what issue that your a jacka$$. and i also thought you said that you were done posting in this thread like a page or to ago.
I bet you just cant wait till my next post so you can find something to try to use against me. your prob jerking off right now because you think its so much fun.
Originally posted by e30tech: ..., makes me not want to live in this country id rather live in Canada.
I was reading this out of morbid curiosity, but statements like this chap my ass...There are a lot of men and women that have died defending this country so if you don't like it here then...
I was reading this out of morbid curiosity, but statements like this chap my ass...There are a lot of men and women that have died defending this country so if you don't like it here then...
get the hell out!
Lol naw im good where im at. thanks anyway and to be honest i served my country, and my one of my best friends died in the service. so dont preach to me about what people have and havent done i know i was their.
now, i really feel that i must go shoot something. i'm one of the forum's gun nuts here. this is my sig on a gun forum i spend time on. _________________________
Ruger Mark III 22/45 Colt Mustang Pocketlite .380 Springfield XD9SC AMT Backup .45 S&W Model 2 (grampa's gun) Mossberg 500A Curiser 12gauge Browning 22 auto rifle (my first gun) Ruger 10/22 Bull barrel Winchester Model 61 22 (dad's gun) (waiting to buy) Kel-Tec SUB-2000
[This message has been edited by buddycraigg (edited 10-01-2008).]
Originally posted by Fierotaz: Nice list of guns...I have an FN P90 and matching Five Seven on order to go with my favorite Desert Eagle .50 cal.
thanks, i also have a Gamo "Auto 45" which is a Glock copy CO2 pistol. dont laugh, i use it for draw/fire practice, if i shoot myself in the junk with a BB, it will probably still work in a day or two. if i shoot myself in the junk with a 9mm (not that i'm claiming to be a sharp shooter) i may not be able to make anymore babies.
I don't give a rat's ass or two squirrel's nuts that you can't spell. I don't care that you are not intelligent.
I will spout off over racist, bigoted, prejudice remarks. I will give my 2 cents worth on a subject that I am an expert on. I have an expertise and background that very, very few have . I AM entitled to be high and mighty in that area.
I pulled out the crap that wasn't racist/prejudice/bigoted/ignorant hate based language. YOU, YES YOU have the racist/prejudice/bigoted/ignorant hate based issues. I put my 2 cents in here because it is obvious that you are too ignorant to understand that the person that is a "racist" is quite possibly YOU!
Stay an ignorant, prejudice bigot throwing out comments, thoughts and slurs. Fine. But don't think that if I see it that I will ignore it.
I may be an assshole., but I don't throw out insults or slurs because of a person's color, religion, ethnic background, sex or any other trait that is 100% out of their control to change or fix.
IGNORANCE....One can fix
HYPOCRISY... One can fix
PREJUDICE... One can fix
BIGOTRY... ONE can fix
Preserved for the record books.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 10-02-2008).]
Originally posted by buddycraigg: if i shoot myself in the junk with a 9mm (not that i'm claiming to be a sharp shooter) i may not be able to make anymore babies.
Patrick is a Canadian that has never served and he has made numerous statements here that shows that he doesn't have a concept of military life and military duty.
Originally posted by aceman:
However, that's why I singled out Patrick, alone by stating that there are many posts in many threads on here that prove that Patrick can't grasp a U.S. Military way of life and mannerisms.
Let’s see a few links to those “many threads”.
Originally posted by aceman:
I will give my 2 cents worth on a subject that I am an expert on. I have an expertise and background that very, very few have. I AM entitled to be high and mighty in that area.
And when there is a discussion on UPS Packaging and someone refuses to understand how UPS needs someone to package something for shipment and you are one of the very few in UPS that understands that area of packaging, you too can be high and mighty in that area. I may not like Toddster, but I'm not going to argue with his input in real estate. If he has specialized training and experience in a particular area and he has the credentials then he is entitled to be high and mighty in that area.
sorry but I don't believe a word you say... you should think before you speak... or type in this case
*thats my B!tch please face enjoy*
This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen on the forum so far. Guy says he hates hondas, PMSing semi attractive female hates guy for it, dirty old men think they are getting points with the semi attractive by agreeing with ridiculous comments, thread goes to trash can.
------------------ MINNESOTA MAFIA Real men get blown If you're going to run your mouth make sure the proof isn't all over the net that you're full of sh!t. 87 GT MP-112 powered, 3800 Supercharged on 19's 372 rwhp & tuning____88 GT T-top 1 of very few, 000,138.4 miles 87 GT custom______90 Grand prix STE Turbo_____2000 R-1 Race prepped Nitrous is like a hot chick with an STD, Ya want to hit it, but are afraid of the consequences. IF YOU AIN'T BREAKING STUFF..................IT AIN'T MODDED ENOUGH If your'e not living on the edge..........you're taking up too much room. Best Fiero mounts available