As a matter of fact, it was the best interests of the PFF community I had in mind when I exposed you for the vulgar cretin you appear to be.
Nobody, not me, not anybody else here needs to be receiving these kind of abusive PMs.
Think about that the next time you wish to communicate with another forum member.
Oh no. Not a vulgar cretin. Now that's just hitting below the belt. Anyway, Mr. Righteous, I reacted you your BS of how I haven't been here long, and that your posts mean more than mine since you've been here so long. I sent you a picture of FAKE poo, sorry if that was too vulgar for you. I hope you don't ever happen upon <gasp> REAL poo, it will be a catastrophe. Now continue walking on your beam of light now, Your Majesty.
I reacted you your BS of how I haven't been here long, and that your posts mean more than mine since you've been here so long.
In regards to commenting on THIS forum, how can you argue that after being a member here for four months, that you'd know as much about it as I do after I've been here nine years? Somehow I don't think you're that quick of a study.
Go check the thread. I stated that because of you being so new here, you didn’t know the history or the members of this forum. It had nothing to do with your posts in general. I’ve already explained this to you previously.
You remind me of my girlfriend's kids when they were about five years old. At that age they believed if they said something often enough it would become “true”. Thank gawd they got older and smarter and began to understand how reality actually works. I don't know what the heck curtailed your development.
You remind me of my girlfriend's kids when they were about five years old. At that age they believed if they said something often enough it would become “true”. Thank gawd they got older and smarter and began to understand how reality actually works. I don't know what the heck curtailed your development.
That wasn't very civil of you Mr Hypocrite. Remember...Civilty is what you preach, right MR HYPOCRITE?
You remind me of my girlfriend's kids when they were about five years old. At that age they believed if they said something often enough it would become “true”. Thank gawd they got older and smarter and began to understand how reality actually works. I don't know what the heck curtailed your development.
No, my development is just fine, thanks for asking. This, just like the thread you pointed out, is typical nobody was talking to Patrick, but Patrick has to come in and smack people around with his halo.
No, my development is just fine, thanks for asking. This, just like the thread you pointed out, is typical nobody was talking to Patrick, but Patrick has to come in...
Better get a second opinion on your development.
Since when is it necessary to be addressed in a thread before responding? Is that how they do it over at the ATV forums you frequent?
Besides, the thread you refer to started with a post of mine quoted by the original poster. Sorry if I somehow offended you by posting in that (or this) thread, but that's what forums are generally all about.
You know, this has been a blast, but the rain has stopped and I'm going outside to work on the GT.
Bye, Bye ol' chap. I am going to try to see things from your perspective......IF I can get that darn horse to sit still and I can get his tail out of the way.
Originally posted by Hulki U. My-BFF: Bye, Bye ol' chap. I am going to try to see things from your perspective......IF I can get that darn horse to sit still and I can get his tail out of the way.
dunno where you were going with that......... too vague
Originally posted by kyunderdawg:
Pssst! Hey! Back On Holiday, pass the some more popcorn or whatever you have. I'm about out.
Heres the "G" Rated popcorn
Heres the "Adult" Popcorn... wonder if she would fall for the hole in the popcorn bucket?
ok so this went from some dude bashing hondas ( i hate them to and i can rightfuley say that cuz i have one on my driveway haha) to a continuance of the archie chop tops holy **** this is entertaining haha.