the rotten chop molds are now done so we can get back going on it. chop top 25 will be running again this week. exoticse will be starting to get a widebody once I get back from the Dells. black thunder will be getting lots of work done. the Lambo project will be getting finished and much more. we have lots of plans for this year to start making parts for sale as well but it will take time for us to get their with all the other things we have going but we will.
we are talking about having an open house at the new shop again this year but we are not sure when yet. I will post it as soon as we figure it out. I invite all of you to come down and hang out for the day. D.
Originally posted by exoticse: Dean do you plan to have any of the new parts for sale at the Dells ?
we are working to have at least 1 rear bumper and 2 sets of sides ready to go to the Dells and yes if someone wants them I will sell them. the side hip kit is 600 and the rear bumper is 650. one of the first sets will be sent to Cali. as soon as I get back from the Dells D.
Yesterday, my car arrived and it looks awesome. Your work is amazing. As the car was being off loaded, people were just saying how amazing the car looked!!! I will be sending you more work in the future. Thanks again for your attention to detail.
Yesterday, my car arrived and it looks awesome. Your work is amazing. As the car was being off loaded, people were just saying how amazing the car looked!!! I will be sending you more work in the future. Thanks again for your attention to detail.
LOL! his car is the red F355. I got a call today from a modeling agency that wants to do a pro photo shoot at the shop and use the projects as a back drop. they just did one at Hank Young Choppers and customs and it was cool. I am looking forward to talking with them more in the next few weeks to see what they are going to want at the shop. and the best part I get pics for free for the new website as well as copies of all the model shots and the rights to use them for the shop.
I will keep you all posted on this one and I should have some great shots for the Girls with Fieros thread D.
back to work today, I had a few things come up over the weekend that will not allow me to go to the Dells so I will be at the shop working.
this weeks todo list is a big one.
first finish the wiring on Daves 3800 and get it running. next up is the Lambo project, we will be finishing up the interior wiring as well as hanging the doors. today for me will be welding on paul's choptop. and the rest of the week will be spent on the Rotten chop. my fiberglass guy will be finishing the first parts out of the molds for the hips and rear bumper that will go on the car. lots more I am sure this week but I will have to see what comes up. D.
the rear 430 bumper and hips that we built for the Rotten chop are now done. we have the first set out of the molds and will be making more to sell as soon as we get a few other things done . they will be ready for sale in July on a first come built to order. here are some pics I will be starting a thread in the mall as well. D.
we also got the chop top metal part done on the next custom so now it is on to building a body for it as well as finishing the Rotten chop. D.
Originally posted by whodeanie: I had a few things come up over the weekend that will not allow me to go to the Dells so I will be at the shop working. D.
Me too, Iove this show. things have come up here with the fam and I can not get out of it if I want her to stay with me D. always next year I should have a fleet of cars to bring by then.
Many thanks to Dean and the guys at WhoDeanie's! My 87 GT was undriven for the winter and was damaged by squirrels and chipmunks - they basically ate the C-500 connector. I had no idea what to do, searched and searched. But I came across Dean's shop when I was getting some work done on my Camaro. Dean said bring it in, I did, and he got it running in an afternoon and also helped with my brakes and a general check of the engine.
Great price too! It's great to feel secure driving the Fiero again.
Thanks again Dean. I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you as we finish my Camaro build.
WOW!!!!! Both David's and Tony's fictitious choptops in the same picture. (They will remain fictitious until they actually are driven to a CFF meeting according to my wife, who has yet to see either vehicle in person) Way to go Dean!
Originally posted by nathrak: WOW!!!!! Both David's and Tony's fictitious choptops in the same picture. (They will remain fictitious until they actually are driven to a CFF meeting according to my wife, who has yet to see either vehicle in person) Way to go Dean!
Originally posted by exoticse: With blackthunder's car getting chopped, that is 6 choptops at Dean's shop at one time !! Wow !
Me too, Iove this show. things have come up here with the fam and I can not get out of it if I want her to stay with me D. always next year I should have a fleet of cars to bring by then.
Dean, I hope all is well. I'm going through withdrawals, not getting updates from the shop! LOL
I know right! My guess is we have Dean so business he can’t find the time to post… which is a good thing
this is true! we have been working on several cars at once. we just finished a V8 car that had running isues as well as FGT's reinstall of his 3800. the choptop part of your car is now done and I talked to Jeff and the motor and trans will finaly be here on friday. so we can get that part going as well.
the 3.4 turbo car I am trying to figure out why it runs great and then like crap. we have found that the intake does get very hot almost 190 at the intake. my thoughts are that we may need to do an intercooler for the turbo to get this lower. more to come later. D.
some of the things we have been working on at the shop as of late. FGT's 3800 install is now done, doing some testing and trouble shooting on the 3.4 turbo car. getting ready to do body mods on 5 cars. and yesterday we worked on the Lambo to get it wraped up. as well as much more.
as some of you know I sold my chevy truck to get rid of the payments and last winter I bought an 99 ford dually for only 4k the plan is to fix it up and use it as the Whodeanie hauler. it was in rough shape when I got it and still is a bit. so far we have redone the inside and the drivetrain as well as started some body work. we work on this one as we can after hrs. well the other day on the way in to work I blew a rear tire and trashed the fender. when I called to get a price on a set of tires they were all high. the plan for the truck was to install 22.5 semi wheels and tires at some point so I called a budy and look what he brought over to the shop for 1/2 the price of stock tires I got 6 wheels and tires as well as the adaptors. I will be installing them on the truck this weekend. the final goal with the truck is to finish the body work and have the whole thing wraped with the shop logo. it will take some time to get it done but it should be cool. D.
we have had a great week, I have been working with the building owner to work out a deal for the whole building all 15,600 sq ft of it. today we got the whole place I have other big news but I am not ready to share it yet. this is going to make us one of the largest costom and performance shops in the area. we have lots going on and it is all starting to come together now.
I took a little time at the end of the day and just took some random shots around the shop to show all of you. I hope you like them. I just thought about it and I noticed we have 6 choptops at the shop D.
LOL! I was not done posting pics it is on the new shop side, we just moved them in today so we can clear the area for the fiberglass room we are building. D.
Nice Congrats on the expanded shop, I know what that feels like, ahhh more space. Just don't get in over your head too soon! Wish I had half your skills with custom builds, I'd be down there giving you a hand in a heartbeat. I know the feeling of long hours all too well. Oh yeah, I need a job Now, get some A/C in your shop and get cracking, looking forward to what you come up with next!
we have had a great week, I have been working with the building owner to work out a deal for the whole building all 15,600 sq ft of it. today we got the whole place I have other big news but I am not ready to share it yet. this is going to make us one of the largest costom and performance shops in the area. we have lots going on and it is all starting to come together now.
Dean congratulations on yet another win for your shop. The impending news will be exciting for the fiero community and others.
we have had a great week, I have been working with the building owner to work out a deal for the whole building all 15,600 sq ft of it. today we got the whole place I have other big news but I am not ready to share it yet. this is going to make us one of the largest costom and performance shops in the area. we have lots going on and it is all starting to come together now.
been working on older long term projects to get them done so we can move on to the newer ones. the last few days we have been working on the Lambo. doing all the finishing work. the hardest part was all the wiring we had to do in the cab. it uses 17 relays to make it all work because we are using micro switches in the consoul. that is a lot or relays to hook up. we also finished the underside of the car as well as the decklidt and the body. the only major things now are the doors and installing the dash for the last time. the doors needed to be reworked because the customer decided he wanted to use real lambo handles and locks. we have made the cuts but now we need to fill in a hole and re paint the doors. the lambo is the oldest project in the shop at just under a year ( not bad for a lambo build) next up will be the Rotten chop. as well as Exoticse. D.
some random shots from around the shop of things we have been working on, most are not Fiero related but I thought you all might like them anyway. D.
the Lambo is now all wired and we will be installing the dash soon we need to do more work on the doors before they can go on.
a 3800 we just pulled that will be going in to a customer car.
a crazy rat rod getting new gears in the rear as well as coilovers
a firends VW we just installed a new rack in
and the Whodeanie hauler in stock form. we will be installing 22.5 semi wheels and tires this week as well as air bags in the rear. the goal with the truck is to clean it up a bit and wrap it in a great big shop logo. hope you like them. more to come....... D.
Made a trip to Dean's this afternoon, to have a crossover pipe constructed. It's nice to have a roadworthy, completed swap, and not have to worry about the pipes coming apart and burning the car down. (Thanks for working me in at the spur of the moment, Dean. I really appreciate it.)
I was treated to the grand tour. The shop is nothing less than amazing. Lots of really cool projects going on. Aside from that, I always wanted a garage you could land a plane in.
Lots of good things are in the works for the Fiero community (and the hotrod community in general.) I was asked a while back not to divulge any information, so I won't. Having said that, many people will be surprised and encouraged by things that are now in the works.
well yestreday was fun, we had the owner of the lambo stop by to see his car for the first time and he is excited to see it almost done. we also installed a full set of air bags on our first custom VW for a customer. today we are starting 3 3800 swaps. we will be getting all of them ready to go in to the cars. starting with the tear down and re build of one of them the other 2 have been done already they just need to have the headers and a few other things done to them to get them ready for install. I will post some pisc of them as we go. D.
well yestreday was fun, we had the owner of the lambo stop by to see his car for the first time and he is excited to see it almost done. we also installed a full set of air bags on our first custom VW for a customer. today we are starting 3 3800 swaps. we will be getting all of them ready to go in to the cars. starting with the tear down and re build of one of them the other 2 have been done already they just need to have the headers and a few other things done to them to get them ready for install. I will post some pisc of them as we go. D.
Dean Any more news on when you will get to the LS4 swap. I'm looking forward to getting those mounts to help speed me along on my wife's car. If you put together a kit with mounts and axles I will buy it. I think you are putting out some nice cars.