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Whodeanie's custom shop is open by whodeanie
Started on: 05-01-2009 10:55 AM
Replies: 1937 (109458 views)
Last post by: Gambit on 10-04-2013 07:17 AM
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Report this Post10-13-2012 11:22 AM Click Here to See the Profile for n7vrzSend a Private Message to n7vrzEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I, also, do not have a car at Dean's. But I've helped him and he's helped me.
Specifically, his help to me was when I last visited his shop. When I tried to leave my car wouldn't start. Told him about some previous problems and he knew right away what the problem was. Fuel pump going out.
We (some of his crew and I) pushed it around back and a new pump was installed. About 5 miles down the road the ignition module blew. Got towed back to Dean's and he found me a module in his 'junk' pile.

BV, I don't know if you really have a suit going against Dean. But having had to use lawyers in the past I do know this: SHUT UP!!
Blowing off steam here in the forum can easily work against you. So do yourself a favor and stop.
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Report this Post10-13-2012 11:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FierociousGTSend a Private Message to FierociousGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Well back in Orlando and time to post my pics and observations from the visit to "Whodeanie's Custom" this past Thursday. According to BV:

- The shop is going under...
- Whom ever has their cars there will lose them due to the shop situation... FALSE
- Facebook and Web Site is down... TRUE due to update.

From what I was able to see after driving for more then 8+ hours one way is that BV is a liar, manipulated the facts due to his personal issues with Whodeanie's Custom, and extremely selfish. I (and other customers) did not have to be put in this situation especially since I have been dealing with financial hardship for over a year and having to deal with the costs/time of driving to Canton, GA... Thank goodness the shop is in driving distance and not in the Midwest. Dean has been helpful by keeping my car stored at the shop. I and the other Whodeanie's Custom customer that have chatted, PMed, emailed and text in the last few days have nothing to worry.

I will say that I have been very patient (like most of us) with Dean and the constant delays have been frustrating. On top of all it did not help waiting a week for a callback and learning that his phone was disconnected w/o notice... and later his sites are down. O let's not forget BV in the mix = STRESS! I feel that Dean is gearing up and will start 2013 fresh and successfully. IMO the new shop is just the right size.

'88 GT, 3800 SC II, IMSA/MadCurls widebody combo, Choptop, Borla exhaust, GT-One NSX Headlights, RX-8 mirrors.
FGTO Build thread ~> Link

[This message has been edited by FierociousGT (edited 10-16-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 01:56 AM Click Here to See the Profile for mptigheSend a Private Message to mptigheEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Good deal, I'm sure the other owners appreciate the heads up.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 03:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for MrWallyClick Here to visit MrWally's HomePageSend a Private Message to MrWallyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports: "Dean screwed over an disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet."

Ok, now first let Me thank you for your service to our county! I'm grateful that you managed to do whatever it was that you did in your time of service, that is sincerely from My heart. I am sorry that you weren't able to do twenty years. What was your MOS & rank at discharge?

I am assuming you got a med discharge, and I further will assume it was under honorable conditions.

I hope that you are seeing regular VA sponsored reabilation for your mental status. If so please discuss with them adjusting your medication/s.

If you have had trouble discussing these matters with the VA and are in need of assistance in doing so I would be happy to assist you in locating the right one to get you the help you need.

Is your spouse attached to the USN dive school? Just curious, it is a great detachment!

Now to the why, I am even responding to this thread, let alone in any way corresponding to the likes of you! There are many ways to draw attention to ones self, your desperate need to do so sickens Me!

Your poor Me "disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet" dishonors those of us that served to retirement and were damaged in our service, Yet have NEVER used our "disability" to seek pity!

As to Dean screwing you over?

You have posted and stated SEVERAL or your conquest story's, bragging about who and how you have gotten over on several people, business', and the government.
Just because that is how you deal with most everything in your lil world in no way means that is how the rest of the real world operates.
I have yet to see what you do to earn a living, but you do make it a point to carry on about what you do in recreation.
With your disabilities makes it look suspicious. Narcissism and PTSD are not a good combination for holding a job. Must wreak havoc on your self image, and personal life as well as any professional life you may have?

The Fancy cars and power toys, do not seem to be filling to void nore do the online puffery and tantrums, your online persona seems to be taking charge of you, but that is just an educated guess on My part.

Dean has disapointed Me on a project, but bent over backwards to make it right. I know for a fact he tryed to do so for you as well. I am aware of at the least three others that would agree to haveing the same results that I have had. as such we remain loyal customers.

Yes, I took the time to read your entire thread, I have read all threads that Dean has been active in/on.

Yes, I saw "your" car in person on a few occasions. And possibly you saw one of mine when you were at Dean's shop? I even PMed you to get your perspective prior to Me looking in to any of this. You called Me out as a Lyer.

I have spoken to a few folks that have met you. NO ONE IS AS IMPRESED WITH YOU, AS YOU ARE WITH YOU! I am surprised that you even have the ability to walk, as hard as you pat yourself on the back and puff up like a blow fish. (Mental Picture: bv rolling on the ground spines protruding, with his arms flaying about!)

I do however look forward to meeting you, I truly do! I want to shake your hand, look you in the eye . . . Then Laugh to your face with the recognition that you have earned.

Warrior Song: "Hope is a moment now long past, The shadow of death is the one I cast" "Feeling no fear, know My pride, for God and Country I would end your Life!"

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post10-14-2012 10:12 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
You know, I find it amazing how many of you will blindly disregard the facts. Thats fine, I dont care to try to convince you otherwise. If you want to pretend that it didnt happen, so be it. Dean and I know the truth. You'll notice that Dean has never once contradicted any of the specific points I have made (metal, time, DRIVING MY CAR, damages, lies etc). NOT ONCE! Don't forget about the engine builder and his anonymous video when the car was delivered here in PC. lol That was really funny. Full boost burnouts in my lawn, jumping speed bumps in a car that was an inch off the ground... Damn glad I had my GoPro recording and posted the vid too! Notice, I was the ONLY ONE that really had a video of that day. Oh wait, none of you care about the truth... its all about Dean and what he may do for you one day. If that is how cheap your loyalty is, that's on you.

Dean can and does build some awesome cars. There is no doubt about it. I believe (and have stated this MANY times) that he got in WAY over his head on my car. It was well out of his comfort zone. 1st 3800 turbo and 1st F23... I get that, I do. Add in all of his big life changes into the mix, and apparently he is broke as well. Oh dont forget about how impatient I am... thats a biggie.... and BAM! Disaster strikes. Instead of just telling me the truth, I get all kinds of stories. I get lied to and misled. The right thing would have been just to be honest with me. The turbo wasn't a deal breaker. I could care less at this point.

What is it they taught us in business? Anyone can be successful if things are going right. Its how you respond when they go wrong. That is the TRUE measure of a business. I'm here to tell ya, it went HORRIBLY wrong. It was handled terribly. It ended catastrophically.

You all can post your experiences good or bad. We ALL should be able to do so with out being ostracized by our fellow members. If you dont like what I have to say, nobody is forcing you to! If Dean did a bang up job for you, thats GREAT! It really is. If Dean screwed up, I am really sorry to hear it.

2 more.. then I am done...

1) Dean has stated that I ripped him off. Sadly that just isn't true. My car was delivered w/o a tune, smoking, and in primer. We spoke about this on the spot. Those two things were going to cost me WAY more than the final balance of (what was it?) $1,300. I'd have to look at my spreadsheet to be exact. Dean was paid over 13k for what he did. Remember the agreed price was 10k. Yes I was getting a good deal. Remember the bit about the 1st one right? That is why I agreed. We both knew I was going to come out on the better side of the deal. I do the same thing when I really want to build a specific PC. I'll run it by the customer, they agree and everyone wins. They get their product and I get to finally build something I wanted to without having to explain to my wife why there is yet another PC in the house. Same basic principle. Anyway, Dean and I agreed that was the end of it. We shook hands and parted ways. Well, after I gave him $300 to get home. Remember, he claimed to have $62 to his name. I wasn't about to see Dean and his girl stuck on the side of the road. Keep that in mind. That was to be the end of it. Done... over. When I asked about some problems I found Dean exploded. Just like he did a week or so prior. Gloves were off from that point on and here we are.

2) You ever see those court cases where the defense works every angle they can to discredit the victim? Well that is what is going on here. If a few of the more vocal ones spent as much energy seeking the truth as they do bashing me, it would be crystal clear I am telling the truth about the situation. But that isn't how it works on PFF. We have all watched this story infold many times. Its usually not till the 4th person comes forward that people start to understand. But go ahead, ignore the facts. Its more fun to criticize me. I get that.

Wally, of course I was honorably discharged. Pity? I don't want anyone's pity. Again, I was simply explaining my situation and who Dean tried to take advantage of. Very few know my situation. How DARE you!? You implied you are former military as well. Thats how you treat your brothers, huh? That is shameful and I am shocked at your behavior. I really hope it was worth it. I hope it was worth it to all of you. Dean doesn't even have to fight his own battles with people like you. Integrity, its in short supply these days.

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Report this Post10-14-2012 10:19 AM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by MrWally:

Originally posted by BV MotorSports: "Dean screwed over an disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet."

Ok, now first let Me thank you for your service to our county! I'm grateful that you managed to do whatever it was that you did in your time of service, that is sincerely from My heart. I am sorry that you weren't able to do twenty years. What was your MOS & rank at discharge?

I am assuming you got a med discharge, and I further will assume it was under honorable conditions.

I hope that you are seeing regular VA sponsored reabilation for your mental status. If so please discuss with them adjusting your medication/s.

If you have had trouble discussing these matters with the VA and are in need of assistance in doing so I would be happy to assist you in locating the right one to get you the help you need.

Is your spouse attached to the USN dive school? Just curious, it is a great detachment!

Now to the why, I am even responding to this thread, let alone in any way corresponding to the likes of you! There are many ways to draw attention to ones self, your desperate need to do so sickens Me!

Your poor Me "disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet" dishonors those of us that served to retirement and were damaged in our service, Yet have NEVER used our "disability" to seek pity!

As to Dean screwing you over?

You have posted and stated SEVERAL or your conquest story's, bragging about who and how you have gotten over on several people, business', and the government.
Just because that is how you deal with most everything in your lil world in no way means that is how the rest of the real world operates.
I have yet to see what you do to earn a living, but you do make it a point to carry on about what you do in recreation.
With your disabilities makes it look suspicious. Narcissism and PTSD are not a good combination for holding a job. Must wreak havoc on your self image, and personal life as well as any professional life you may have?

The Fancy cars and power toys, do not seem to be filling to void nore do the online puffery and tantrums, your online persona seems to be taking charge of you, but that is just an educated guess on My part.

Dean has disapointed Me on a project, but bent over backwards to make it right. I know for a fact he tryed to do so for you as well. I am aware of at the least three others that would agree to haveing the same results that I have had. as such we remain loyal customers.

Yes, I took the time to read your entire thread, I have read all threads that Dean has been active in/on.

Yes, I saw "your" car in person on a few occasions. And possibly you saw one of mine when you were at Dean's shop? I even PMed you to get your perspective prior to Me looking in to any of this. You called Me out as a Lyer.

I have spoken to a few folks that have met you. NO ONE IS AS IMPRESED WITH YOU, AS YOU ARE WITH YOU! I am surprised that you even have the ability to walk, as hard as you pat yourself on the back and puff up like a blow fish. (Mental Picture: bv rolling on the ground spines protruding, with his arms flaying about!)

I do however look forward to meeting you, I truly do! I want to shake your hand, look you in the eye . . . Then Laugh to your face with the recognition that you have earned.

Warrior Song: "Hope is a moment now long past, The shadow of death is the one I cast" "Feeling no fear, know My pride, for God and Country I would end your Life!"

simply awesome
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Report this Post10-14-2012 11:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for carnut122Send a Private Message to carnut122Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

Dean and I know the truth. You'll notice that Dean has never once contradicted any of the specific points I have made (metal, time, DRIVING MY CAR, damages, lies etc). NOT ONCE!

The first rule in any legal battle is not to comment on the situation. I can only assume that Dean is following that rule. Yes, I consider him a friend, but you may do well, to stop commenting like others have suggested.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 11:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
If a few of the more vocal ones spent as much energy seeking the truth as they do bashing me...

The truth is whatever it is.
I didn't jump in until you started posting in Dean's thread. I only offered a couple of comments in your thread and pretty much left you alone after that.
You can "document" all you want in your own thread. (I could speculate that you weren't getting enough attention, there. But I won't.)

Hell... I even started to comment about the '88 wheel fitment on lowered cars, having been down that road years ago.
Then I remembered who it was.


Dean doesn't even have to fight his own battles with people like you.

Works for me. Looks to me like he's too busy building cars. See posts, above.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 10-14-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 11:15 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by deadwood:
simply awesome

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Report this Post10-14-2012 12:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for KEVSend a Private Message to KEVEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Well if you check out BV own thread he has deleted many of his comments today...


1999 GMC Jimmy 2dr 4x4
1985 Fiero GT 3800 N/A ...3800 S/C being rebuilt now.
1984 Fiero Indy #1098 w/ Centerline Wheels,Hooker Tri-y header and Indy Scoop with Strobe's
1984 SE Daily Driver

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Report this Post10-14-2012 12:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
It's safe to say regardless of what happened to BV's car, he is a tool.

'86 Fiero 2M6

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Report this Post10-14-2012 12:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tony KaniaSend a Private Message to Tony KaniaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
That is why one should copy anything, and everything quickly.

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post10-14-2012 01:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by deadwood:

It's safe to say regardless of what happened to BV's car, he is a tool.

You are talking out of your ass... good luck with that.

Edit... the bold part pretty much seems to be par for the course.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 10-14-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 01:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

You are talking out of your ass... good luck with that.

Edit... the bold part pretty much seems to be par for the course.

Yes, my ass speaks quite fluently. Thank You
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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post10-14-2012 02:11 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by deadwood:
Yes, my ass speaks quite fluently. Thank You

Apparently so...
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Report this Post10-14-2012 02:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for CowsPatootClick Here to visit CowsPatoot's HomePageSend a Private Message to CowsPatootEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by deadwood:
simply awesome


Originally posted by MrWally:
Your poor Me "disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet" dishonors those of us that served to retirement and were damaged in our service, Yet have NEVER used our "disability" to seek pity!

Thank you for stating what I have been avoiding...but I believe it also dishonors the ones that didn't make it to retirement, yet still don't seek pity.

Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
Pity? I don't want anyone's pity. Again, I was simply explaining my situation and who Dean tried to take advantage of.

Your exact comment was "Well if you dont know, Dean screwed over an disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet." If Dean screwed anyone over, then shame on him. It makes no difference whether you are a disabled vet or a healthy lottery winner. The fact that you threw that comment in indicates that you are either seeking pity, or you believe that fact makes you better than the average joe.

Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
You ever see those court cases where the defense works every angle they can to discredit the victim?

Yup...but sometimes the real question is....Who is the victim?

Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
Thats fine, I dont care to try to convince you otherwise.

Please, please, please...if you don't care to do it, quit trying.

Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
You all can post your experiences good or bad. We ALL should be able to do so with out being ostracized by our fellow members.

You haven''t been ostracized yet, but we're working on it (you might want to look that word up). The disdain is a result of your constant repetition not the fact that you posted your experience to begin with.

Now...I promise that this will be my last post on the subject regardless of where this goes from here. I accept that fact that I can't argue with stupidity. No matter what we say to him, we are not going to get him to see reality. Regardless of what is said to him, BV is going to make sure he gets the last it we want him to shut up, we as a group are going to have to accept his last word as the nonsense that it is, and move on with our lives.
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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post10-14-2012 02:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by CowsPatoot:

You haven''t been ostracized yet, but we're working on it (you might want to look that word up). The disdain is a result of your constant repetition not the fact that you posted your experience to begin with.

Now...I promise that this will be my last post on the subject regardless of where this goes from here. I accept that fact that I can't argue with stupidity. No matter what we say to him, we are not going to get him to see reality. Regardless of what is said to him, BV is going to make sure he gets the last it we want him to shut up, we as a group are going to have to accept his last word as the nonsense that it is, and move on with our lives.

I'll tell you what.. you guys answer the following (truthfully) and I'll let it go at that. Fair enough?

All I have wanted is the facts to be acknowledged.... something most disregard. With that said, if it were your car, would you be rightfully upset if:

1. Your PRISTINE 14k mile car was driven home at night by a shop owner when it first arrived. 2 WEEKS this went on. Remember, this is without your knowledge or consent. We wont even concentrate on the part where the VSS was unhooked as to prevent an increase in the mileage. Just so you know, Dean admitted this.

2. You visit the shop only to find metal shavings and grit inside your turbo and engine. The owner of the 4cyl IMSA witnessed this though I doubt he will admit as much. Again, reason to be upset?

3. You are promised all this extra work to "make up for it" however what you paid for was either not completed or required significant measures to rectify. Furthermore, the extra bits, were not even done correctly, if at all.

4. The shop owner sets the time frame and cost. He then try's to DOUBLE the price and goes from 6 weeks to 6 MONTHS and still doesnt complete the work.

Answer those truthfully and that will be that. No BS, no snide remarks... TRUTHFULLY.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 10-14-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 03:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for bmwguruClick Here to visit bmwguru's HomePageSend a Private Message to bmwguruEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

I'll tell you what.. you guys answer the following (truthfully) and I'll let it go at that. Fair enough?

All I have wanted is the facts to be acknowledged.... something most disregard. With that said, if it were your car, would you be rightfully upset if:

1. Your PRISTINE 14k mile car was driven home at night by a shop owner when it first arrived. 2 WEEKS this went on. Remember, this is without your knowledge or consent. We wont even concentrate on the part where the VSS was unhooked as to prevent an increase in the mileage. Just so you know, Dean admitted this.

In all fairness, I checked my ratings and I gave both you and Dean positive ratings in the past few years, so there is no prejudice against either of you from me.
As a standard with every car I work on...German or Fiero. I drive the car for a minimum of 2 miles upon arrival to see if any pre existing conditions are there and/or to upsell repairs. I have customers with 1950's Mercedes that have less than 20,000 miles and I'll still put a few miles on them to verify they are road worthy.
I would never disconnect the VSS as that is illegal.
After the repairs, I drive them for a minimum of the 2 miles again except if major work was done. The Touareg we just did big turbos on went home for the weekend with my tech. I didn't want to take it because i know I'd be buying one shortly after. The Fieros get over 500 miles on them for a few reasons.

1: I know and you know that I know that you are not going to go easy on the new clutch which has a 500 mile break in period. It is very hard to resist smoking the tires before you even leave my shop's parking lot.
2: I may want to make some changes to the tune or make some corrections in the build.
3: I don't want leaks or breakdowns on the trip home. I figure a couple tanks of gas will show any issues that I need to correct prior to your arrival. There are always issues. I have never had a (Fiero) build go smoothly without going back on the lift for an alignment correction, leak, something too close to the exhaust, or other unexpected repair.

That is all I have to offer....and I hope you two work things out.



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Report this Post10-14-2012 03:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for topcatSend a Private Message to topcatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
1 . I would never send my "pristine 14k mile car to a shop for an engine mod. Can not answer having said that. I will note that it seems to me that him driving your car home came up pretty late in this thread. If it was that significant why didn't you call foul when it first happened

2. Sure I'd be upset but again is that the real issue. It sound like noise to me. It was it took too long to finish my car initially

3. Your word against Dean's, let it play out in court

4. See number 3.

Now I will say that Dean is doing what any lawyer would tell a client and that is to not comment on any claims. My opinion is that legally he is doing the wise thing. The nosy part of me would love to hear Deans response to the claims, but trying to win others over on a forum by telling your side does no good in court.

For the record, I do not think you have a solid case against Dean based on what I've heard so far, and Dean has not had to say a word. You lost your case with your own words.

This episode reminds me of a time I had an issue with my mortgage lender, more than twenty years back. I had a friend that is a lawyer. He told me I did not have a real case, but I might get the lender to give me relief by sending a "threatening" letter form a lawyer asking for relief. He drafted the letter for me and filled it with a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo. I sent it off and the lender pretty much responded see you in court. I never went to court because I already knew I did not have a case. Good luck, hope it works better for you than me ( if that is what's going on - mere speculation on my part.)
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

I'll tell you what.. you guys answer the following (truthfully) and I'll let it go at that. Fair enough?

All I have wanted is the facts to be acknowledged.... something most disregard. With that said, if it were your car, would you be rightfully upset if:

1. Your PRISTINE 14k mile car was driven home at night by a shop owner when it first arrived. 2 WEEKS this went on. Remember, this is without your knowledge or consent. We wont even concentrate on the part where the VSS was unhooked as to prevent an increase in the mileage. Just so you know, Dean admitted this.

2. You visit the shop only to find metal shavings and grit inside your turbo and engine. The owner of the 4cyl IMSA witnessed this though I doubt he will admit as much. Again, reason to be upset?

3. You are promised all this extra work to "make up for it" however what you paid for was either not completed or required significant measures to rectify. Furthermore, the extra bits, were not even done correctly, if at all.

4. The shop owner sets the time frame and cost. He then try's to DOUBLE the price and goes from 6 weeks to 6 MONTHS and still doesnt complete the work.

Answer those truthfully and that will be that. No BS, no snide remarks... TRUTHFULLY.

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Report this Post10-14-2012 03:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
There is no court case, is there-

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Report this Post10-14-2012 04:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GrantmanSend a Private Message to GrantmanEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I have no dog in this fight but I will offer the following after a quick check on line.
The court case (assuming there is one) will need to be in Georgia. You have to sue in the state/county of the defendent in concilliation court.
Georgia small claims has a limit of $15,000. The work done amounted to $13,000 so I expect it will be a small claims court action. Civil court lawsuits can cost $10,000 or more to do, based on potential damages not likely anyone would spend more than your claim.
Jury trials are not allowed in small claim cases in Georgia.
you may have a lawyer assist in Georgia small claims cases, which is not true in all states.
I bring it up only to say that all this posting is not likely to have any effect in small claims court. BV has been practicing telling his side of the story in this forum, but for any that have been in small claims court you have all of about 10 minutes to build your case and rebut your opponent. The judge tries to determine whose "truth" he believes more. It's a crapshoot. Best wishes to both gentlemen.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 05:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 1988holleyformulaSend a Private Message to 1988holleyformulaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
Don't forget about the engine builder and his anonymous video when the car was delivered here in PC. lol That was really funny. Full boost burnouts in my lawn, jumping speed bumps in a car that was an inch off the ground... Damn glad I had my GoPro recording and posted the vid too! Notice, I was the ONLY ONE that really had a video of that day.

You are the only one that brings this point up again and again. Has anyone on here criticized you supposedly driving your new car like a madman?

Not that I can recall, I think people are criticizing you more for your poor attitude.

[This message has been edited by 1988holleyformula (edited 10-14-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 06:02 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 1988holleyformula:

You are the only one that brings this point up again and again. Has anyone on here criticized you supposedly driving your new car like a madman?

Not that I can recall, I think people are criticizing you more for your poor attitude.

I'm sorry you feel that way... put yourself in my shoes and see how it feels. As for the video.... surely you saw the 2 posts by our new member about it, yes? Those were some pretty serious accusations. Funny how his video never surfaced. Man oh man, did mine shut him up. The advice on recording the drop off, was worth the initial fee... lemme tell ya.

And for once, thank you to those that actually address my concerns...though I see the main perps (cow, raydar and wally etc) failed to do so... figured as much.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 10-14-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 06:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofoolClick Here to visit fierofool's HomePageSend a Private Message to fierofoolEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I've been through Georgia Small Claims (Magistrates) Court more than a few times. There isn't any time limit as long as the complainant and defendant are presenting new evidence or witnesses. I've never encountered a judge that uses the format of Judge Judy whereby the judge questions the people before him, other than to clarify information they present. They have always let the 2 parties present their case and rebuttals. You can even ask for continuances if you need more evidence to prove your case.

If the defendant loses, then they must pay what the court awards plus all filing fees of the complainant. If the defendant loses and doesn't pay what the court orders, the court won't go after them. It's up to the complainant to refile the case within a given time period and at additional fees, all the way up to and including garnishing the wages of the defendant.

I've been there and done that with a tenant who lost her job with Cieba/Giegy as a result of her wages being attached. There was also a young kid (total stranger) whose Fiero broke down and I installed my new slave cylinder into his car so he could get to work. After nearly a year of excuses for not paying me the $80, I took him to court and it eventually cost him nearly $500 in awards and court costs, plus he also lost his job at Outback Steakhouse.

So, if Small Claims is utilized and the defendant is the sole proprietor of a small business, who would enforce garnishment if it should go that far? Not the courts. The only way would be in Civil Court and that would cost more in attorney's fees than one would likely recover.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 06:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JohnWPBClick Here to visit JohnWPB's HomePageSend a Private Message to JohnWPBEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by MrWally:

Originally posted by BV MotorSports: "Dean screwed over an disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet."

Your poor Me "disabled 11yr US Army COMBAT vet" dishonors those of us that served to retirement and were damaged in our service, Yet have NEVER used our "disability" to seek pity!

Wow, I thought the same EXACT way you did when I read that original post, and actually started to reply before deleting it. I knew the repercussions of talking down on someone that is ex military. You did a very nice job of responding to it in my opinion.

(I am Ex Army, 13C stationed at Ft. McClelan Alabama, Ft. Sill Oklahoma, ButzBach and Kirchgoens West Germany. )

BV I do not think one person here doubted that that there may be issues with your car. That is not the point here. The point here is that you continually wine about it over and over and over and over again!

Originally posted by KEV:

Well if you check out BV own thread he has deleted many of his comments today...

I got that covered, I have been downloading and archiving the last 3 pages of this thread for the past couple weeks Looking at the archived pages here locally, barely any of BV's posts were edited. Looking at the pages now, just about every single post of his has been edited.

[This message has been edited by JohnWPB (edited 10-14-2012).]

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Report this Post10-14-2012 06:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for joshua riedlSend a Private Message to joshua riedlEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Arguements against BV would go a lot further if there were actual updates to other customers cars.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 06:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GrantmanSend a Private Message to GrantmanEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
fierofool, thanks for supplying the additional information and insight specific for Georgia. My information was basic from a search online. every state is a bit different. Your process provides for more fact finding than our state does. Rarely in Minnesota will small claims go beyond the first hearing and the judges keep the process moving from case to case.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 06:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ferrobiSend a Private Message to ferrobiEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I feel for BV. Sad situation.
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Report this Post10-14-2012 07:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MstangsBwareSend a Private Message to MstangsBwareEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by joshua riedl:

Arguements against BV would go a lot further if there were actual updates to other customers cars.

DING..DING...DING..We have a winner...There r 2 other Threads with owners asking for updates and none have been giving. On top of that I know of a memeber that is pretty worried himself about his car at the moment cause of no update or progress. And members that are worried are not gonma speak out being there car is still at Deans shop and the last thing u wanna do is piss off the guy building ur car.

As I see it BV did the right thing with getting his car back since it was well over the due date and still no where near conplete. I have seen it to many times where excuses where given and the owner trusted the builder. Then in the end the owner was out of his money and his car did nothing but sit for 2 years. If u have been here long enough u know this has happened many times.

I have nothing against Dean and hope for the best for his shop as he started off strong and offered alot of swap parts everyone needs. But that fell off pretty fast and to many excuses started popping up that many of us that have been here a while has heard from other vensors that have failed in the end. I just see this headi.g the same way with how things r going at this point. I hope that is not the case...
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Report this Post10-14-2012 09:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 1988holleyformula:
...Has anyone on here criticized you supposedly driving your new car like a madman?

Right afterward I did, but I deleted my comment after BV "went off".
I was willing to try to be constructive until it appeared that nothing was going to satisfy him. Whatever.

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Report this Post10-15-2012 01:26 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Rare87GTSend a Private Message to Rare87GTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I figured it was time for me to chime in. I don't know the situation of any of this but from my look on the outside, I can say none of us in this thread know anything about this as our car is not at Dean's, etc. BV and Dean need to work this out, this thread needs to be closed and we need to praise the few shops still doing Fiero custom work. It's hard to come by these days. Why is it that most Fiero car shops have such horrible feedback? We need to give praise and help these shops stay open for all of us. Pretty soon there isn't going to be a shop anywhere to do anything. Mistakes were made, deadlines may have not been met, but it sounds like patience was lacked a little bit and BV explained that. That's fine, it's his car and we all want our car done asap. When you all of a sudden have 10 cars in a shop doing major work to, deadlines start becoming harder and harder to keep. It's part of the work. I hope everything gets sorted out on all counts and we can move forward.



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Report this Post10-15-2012 03:28 AM Click Here to See the Profile for CommanderKeenSend a Private Message to CommanderKeenEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I've got a car there. I'm not worried in the slightest. He's bent over backwards to take my car in despite major inconveience to him (full house, moving, etc) but I was in a bit of a bind with a deployment scheduled that changed last minute. I sent it to dean for two reasons. The first is that he make some parts and has done some midifcations on other cars that I would like on mine. Rather than have another shop (whom I've used and been abundantly satisfied with) replicate his stuff, I figure I would have him do it. The second is that after V8 archie, Dean has had the most positive raves and reviews from long term members on this forum. Thats what helped me pick Archie for round 1.

On the communication piece. Dean ballparked me on when he could start my car. We went back and forth discussing modifications and he priced me for parts and labor for each. Despite my car being there a long time, the guy hasnt charged me a storage fee - despite accepting my car months and months ahead of when he could work on it. Dean is polite and professional, and has obviously been figuring out how to run and manage his shop more efficiently as time goes on. Thats how any GOOD business operates. Find a problem, fix it and improve.

Now down the road, if there is some sort of problem with the work he does I would give him ample time and opportunity to correct it.

BV, I would like to present an analogy to you that make explain why you are upsetting people.

I've got alot of ink. I've spent hundreds of hours in my (more artistic) youth drawing them out, and changing them as I grew older. When I finally found a guy, a true artist tucked away in a corner on the southern border I gave him my ideas and drawings. He asked if I wanted exactly what I drew. I told him to use his experience and vision to enhance them. Sometimes he would have a sketch done for weeks, and in one case a month. While other Soldiers were picking crap off the walls or downloading garbage and having it inked on - This guy was turning my ideas into one of a kind custom masterpieces. Other guys paid the same amount per hour that I did, but I was patient - because even though "flash" (the stuff on the walls) makes up 90 percent of his income, he LOVED doing custom work. He put his soul into it, something thats hard to do when being rushed. And the work was fantastic.

You'll see tattoo artists trying to convince people to alter the stuff they brought in. "This wont flow well, this wont be detailed if we make it so small, if you want that much color, youre looking at another 2 sessions" And those people insist on doing it their way, and you see them looking dissapointedly at the thing in the mirror and saying "this looks like crap."

Do you want it custom, or do you want something off the wall? Custom is art, and artists dont rush very well.

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Report this Post10-15-2012 07:31 AM Click Here to See the Profile for DragonSend a Private Message to DragonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Personnally I would not care about Dean running my car to home and back. I like that the mechanic drives the car to check for quirks / problems. Plus the install get tuned up better normally.


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Report this Post10-15-2012 09:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for deezilSend a Private Message to deezilEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by CommanderKeen:

I've got a car there. I'm not worried in the slightest. He's bent over backwards to take my car in despite major inconveience to him (full house, moving, etc)

This right here is what throws a wrench into the situation. If there is already a full house and cars aren't getting work done on them why take in more work even if it is going to sit?

And the whole deal with the turning a blind eye to the set timeframe to which the car is supposed to be done.
Doesn't sit well in my eyes. If I have $13k already in someone's pockets for work to be performed at a agreed upon date then make it happen.. If situations come up that it isn't going to get done then get on the horn and let me know. I would be pretty upset if someone's car that got there later got pushed ahead of mine.

The whole deal (if it is true) with his car having the vss disconnected and being driven without prior permission is really not respectful.

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Report this Post10-15-2012 09:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for infinitewillSend a Private Message to infinitewillEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Well, I for one do "have a dog in this race". I have known Dean for years and have also done business with Steve ( I bought the original motor). Both have been very fair and respectful to me every step of the way. I am disappointed that this build has gone sour but I truly believe that was never the intention of either party. When someone is passionate about their/work hobbies emotions can run very high and unfortunately there has't been much of a "cooling off" period to sort this mess out. Given what Dean has been through the last few months I am surprised he still has fight in him to keep going but wishing him to fold up and close his doors, are you F&$kin' serious? I can only hope both sides can come to the table IN GOOD FAITH, and make this right. Throwing in your opinion when it's not your build does nothing but stir the pot of discontent.


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Report this Post10-15-2012 10:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for johnyrottinSend a Private Message to johnyrottinEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I have a dog in this as well. Rottinchop has been in the works for 20 months now. I have spoken to Dean about it recently and told him it wasn't the time it was the communication. Delays are inevitable when doing custom work but not communicating the delays are where you fail. My suggestion: take 30 minutes every Friday night and let everyone know their updates via this thread. That way he doesn't have to even look for individual therads.

BV, like I said before, its not the content of your message that is creating controversy and issue, it is the delivery. On that topic, let us please straighten this thread out and turn it back to what is happening at Dean's shop and leave the BV/Dean issue in his thread.
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Report this Post10-15-2012 05:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Just so you know Dean:

AFR was 20:1. Static FP was 22psi. Charlie can not get the FP to raise, so either the Aeromotive 300lph pump or Aeromotive RRFPR is defective. Regardless, the smoking issue is terminal. The rings are not sealing. Freggen awesome.

Thanks Dean.. thanks a lot. Fire your engine builder. Either that or the metal and grit issue killed it.. take your pick. You owe me an engine. You and I both know it happened. Furthermore is was smoking when you pulled it off the trailer. So are you going to be the stand up guy people say you are, or are you going to prove that your arent? Choose one.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 10-15-2012).]

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Report this Post10-15-2012 07:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 1988holleyformulaSend a Private Message to 1988holleyformulaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by johnyrottin:
BV, like I said before, its not the content of your message that is creating controversy and issue, it is the delivery. On that topic, let us please straighten this thread out and turn it back to what is happening at Dean's shop and leave the BV/Dean issue in his thread.

Well that message was well-received...
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Report this Post10-15-2012 08:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 87antuzziSend a Private Message to 87antuzziEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

Just so you know Dean:

AFR was 20:1. Static FP was 22psi. Charlie can not get the FP to raise, so either the Aeromotive 300lph pump or Aeromotive RRFPR is defective. Regardless, the smoking issue is terminal. The rings are not sealing. Freggen awesome.

Thanks Dean.. thanks a lot. Fire your engine builder. Either that or the metal and grit issue killed it.. take your pick. You owe me an engine. You and I both know it happened. Furthermore is was smoking when you pulled it off the trailer. So are you going to be the stand up guy people say you are, or are you going to prove that your arent? Choose one.

So you ran the car leaner than **** and cracked a skirt/burned a piston/cracked a ring or something along those lines.
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Report this Post10-15-2012 08:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JustinbartSend a Private Message to JustinbartEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 87antuzzi:

So you ran the car leaner than **** and cracked a skirt/burned a piston/cracked a ring or something along those lines.

Builder Error.

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