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Whodeanie's custom shop is open by whodeanie
Started on: 05-01-2009 10:55 AM
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Report this Post11-17-2012 01:03 AM Click Here to See the Profile for whodeanieClick Here to visit whodeanie's HomePageSend a Private Message to whodeanieEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
it is friday.......
here is the update from the shop. this week I worked on the White Horse to do some finish work on the install as well as some upgrades that they wanted like custom fuel rails for the NA and as far as I know I am the first to do them on an NA. it was a matter of redoing all the mount brackets but it looks great. the car is running now and just waiting on a few little parts that will be in on monday to get it finnised up.

the other car to get more work was 88lamb, fitting the new front bumper and a few tweaks to the wide body kit to give it a look all its own. I did not get pics before I left today but I will post some up before thanksgiving.

on another note to all..... as all of you know it has been a very hard year not just for me but for all of us. I make no excuses for the way things have gone at the shop. we had a few unexpected hard hits here and I took on way too much work at once. it is hard to find good help and now it is just back down to me doing all of it with a bit of help from a few friends as they can. I am one person with 12 cars to finish in the shop Down from 38 from the old shop. I can not work on all the cars at once nothing would ever get done so I have been working on no more than 2 at a time this way I can keep the cars moving out. I am not taking on any new work until the last of the cars in my shop are done.
I am getting sick of the trashing of my shop, many here know me and have recived help in many forms from me, be it info, parts free labor and much more
I do this because of my love for the cars.
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Report this Post11-17-2012 04:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for exoticseSend a Private Message to exoticseEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by FierociousGT:

Maybe exoticse will chime in since his car was at Whodeanies and has been back in Central Florida since March 2012.

Yes actually i do have a lot to say, and some people are not going to like it, but guess what,.....tough.

Gonna have to wait till tommorow though.

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post11-17-2012 11:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by whodeanie:

I am getting sick of the trashing of my shop,

TBH, I think everyone has been real gentle with you.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 11-17-2012).]

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Report this Post11-17-2012 12:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BlackThunderGTSend a Private Message to BlackThunderGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by carbon:
You are correct, I don't know everything. Although, I have never said Dean has been in the right either, which I have had to remind those around me that are flabbergasted by the number of people pissed off in these threads.

Sorry for sticking my nose in where it didn't belong. I hope this all comes to an end soon... I met Dean when he had just finished the gunmetal Daily Driver and he was excited about doing more work... it is unfortunate that he allowed this situation to get so deep.

I'll shut up now.


I’m cool with you and anyone else that has an open and honest opinion about my situation.

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Report this Post11-17-2012 12:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

TBH, I think everyone has been real gentle with you.

Or at least polite and adult.
Well, mostly...
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Report this Post11-17-2012 01:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
A customer should never have to beg on a forum for an update call back. Saying you are too busy is not a valid excuse.
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Report this Post11-17-2012 07:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for johnyrottinSend a Private Message to johnyrottinEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Keep plugging along Dean.
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Report this Post11-17-2012 09:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for yellowstoneSend a Private Message to yellowstoneEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I sent Dean a PM on Oct. 20 (almost a month ago) addressing a number of issues (some ongoing) that I've had with my Whodeanie project. I'm happy with what I got but I believe that some of them would have been easily avoidable if too many loose ends hadn't been left for the last minute. I sent this message with a positive attitude to "clear the air" by putting everything on the table. However, I never received a reply, which I find regrettable.

On the other hand:


Recent major upgrade at Whodeanie Customs with many cool TLG Automotive parts Pictures Modifications

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Report this Post11-17-2012 09:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by yellowstone:

Sorry to hear about the other bit, but my god, you have a beautiful car.
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Report this Post11-18-2012 01:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for CommanderKeenSend a Private Message to CommanderKeenEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by deadwood:

A customer should never have to beg on a forum for an update call back. Saying you are too busy is not a valid excuse.

Single man shop. every email I've sent has been returned, usually outside of business hours. But then again I expected this, as he doesnt have a team of guys working for him. If he's on the phone or computer he wouldnt be getting anything done.

If you want a team of guys working on your car, so that they can work, answer phone questions, and post daily email pics then take your car to the shop that has that. I've done that too, and it was a great experience, but I also understood the differences in optempo when I sent my car to mr dean. I dont get the begging online thing, are these people not calling or emailing him?
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Report this Post11-18-2012 06:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for CommanderKeenSend a Private Message to CommanderKeenEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by yellowstone:

I sent Dean a PM on Oct. 20 (almost a month ago) addressing a number of issues (some ongoing) that I've had with my Whodeanie project. I'm happy with what I got but I believe that some of them would have been easily avoidable if too many loose ends hadn't been left for the last minute. I sent this message with a positive attitude to "clear the air" by putting everything on the table. However, I never received a reply, which I find regrettable.

On the other hand:

So awesome. Your car is 100% at fault for Mrs Keen wanting my Fiero to get painted yellow.
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Report this Post11-18-2012 08:12 AM Click Here to See the Profile for FierociousGTSend a Private Message to FierociousGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by CommanderKeen:
Single man shop. every email I've sent has been returned, usually outside of business hours. But then again I expected this, as he doesnt have a team of guys working for him. If he's on the phone or computer he wouldnt be getting anything done.

If you want a team of guys working on your car, so that they can work, answer phone questions, and post daily email pics then take your car to the shop that has that. I've done that too, and it was a great experience, but I also understood the differences in optempo when I sent my car to mr dean. I dont get the begging online thing, are these people not calling or emailing him?

1.- Single man shop, then WHY take on so many car on if it's a single man shop? Result: Delays, excuses and no return calls, email after weeks or never and ultimately quality of work.
2.- Dean's Friday pic update.... Great Idea but I believe he did it only twice and now NO updates.
3.- Begging on the forum because to reply from calls,text, email and in my case; certified snail mail. Myself, as well as others, have been VERY patient with Dean, but enough is enough! DO ALL YOU REALIZE THAT WORK NOT DONE CORRECTLY (OR AT ALL) WILL COST MORE MONEY TO FIX? REMEMBER, IT HAS ALREADY BEEN PAID FOR! I don't know about you, but I hate paying for something TWICE and I went through this with V8Archie's body work and with no apologies, but insults.

I do have to say I am glad Dean has not setup his voicemail on his new phone. IMO that would be to overwhelming for a one man shop. I have had improved communication with him since he has gotten the new number.... not prefect, but better than it was.... Zero

IMO Dean is a cool guy... Just want to see his shop be successful and him to be upfront about things. Don't over promise and under deliver anymore.

Now on my car (overview)
GOOD: 3800 SCII reinstall, new mounts, dog bone, sits lower, clean, secure and strong. (impressive)
GOOD: new Alternator and relocated.
GOOD: New fuel pump.
GOOD: Installed low mileage clutch.
GOOD: Replaced engine bearings.
GOOD: Replaced problematic intake manifold gasket w/ GM metallic one (I hope so)
GOOD: FG Front bumper design and finish (impressive)
GOOD: Round LED Tail Lights (impressive)
GOOD: Battery was relocated to the front for weight reasons
BAD: A/C conversion from working R12 to non working R134a.
BAD: Front bumper Splitter is splitting open.
BAD: Missing Interior center console, glove box, passenger seat....
BAD: Cruise control and trunk lock switch not working.
BAD: Clutch need to be bled.
BAD: Metal break line pinned between the alternator and the trunk wall.
BAD: No time to fix fuel gauge issue.
BAD: PCM is supported by wires. No screws or bolts holding it down. WHY?!
UGLY: Communication and constant delays/excuses but very polite.
UNKNOWN: Have to look behind the firewall to see how the wires are routed and if any thing to protect them from the engine heat.
UNKNOWN: Not sure if the battery drain has been resolved. Reviewing.

Waiting on my parts, no work contract, no receipts, NOTHING. Then I have to install the parts! Then having to spend additional MULA to fix what is wrong (remember, I had ALREADY paid for it). For the most part I am happy with Whodeanies Customs work but do need to get the pending issues resolved and get a list of work and parts performed on my car. Will have a FULL review on my build thread here and on CFF today.

Just keep it polite and don't show your a$$.

And for those who are afraid to post your experience... Grow a set of balls or ask your wife to give them back to you.

Special thanks for Blacktree and 85LAMB for helping me review FGTO and to any customers that have posted there honest opinions.... It just benefits everyone at the end.

[This message has been edited by FierociousGT (edited 11-18-2012).]

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Report this Post11-18-2012 05:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BlackThunderGTSend a Private Message to BlackThunderGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by CommanderKeen:
Single man shop. every email I've sent has been returned, usually outside of business hours. But then again I expected this, as he doesnt have a team of guys working for him. If he's on the phone or computer he wouldnt be getting anything done.

If you want a team of guys working on your car, so that they can work, answer phone questions, and post daily email pics then take your car to the shop that has that. I've done that too, and it was a great experience, but I also understood the differences in optempo when I sent my car to mr dean. I dont get the begging online thing, are these people not calling or emailing him?

Wow… how uninformed can one be? Have you actually read this thread and all the other Whodeanie related threads?


1. When I dropped my car at Dean’s shop it was NOT a one man shop!!!
2. I was promised weekly updates with pictures!!!
3. I got monthly updates without pictures for a few months!!!
4. Most updates after the top was cut on my car were to tell me that my car was on hold while other cars were being finished!!!
5. The last time I was actually able to talk to Dean on the phone was December 2011 – during this conversation I was told I would receive updated photos of my car… never got them!
6. The start 2012 Dean had a lot of bad things happen and I being a nice guy left him a lone while others hated on him and wanted their parts they were promised.
7. I did however receive one PM in February (not the pictures promised in December) telling me that my car was on hold while others are being ready for Daytona.
8. So for the next 6 months I watch and observe the forum for updates and problems at Dean’s shop.
9. Sure enough I see there is a problem.
10. Starting a shop build “the Kermit project” while telling customers I can’t work on your car is a slap in the face and shows just how important our builds are.

Now let’s address all the “I don’t understand the begging for an update on my car”!

On 10-06-2012 at 11:11 AM I posted this!
Originally posted by BlackThunderGT:
Dean, please call me or PM me with an update on my car.

Noticed I asked for a PM or phone call with an update on my car!
On 10-19-2012 at 10:43 PM I received from Dean.
Notice this is not an update on my car, there is zero detailed information on my car!
----- Original Message -----
Can you please give me a call, with the move and the new phone I have lost your # and I wanted to let you know that we are getting back on track with getting the long term projects done. yours will be worth the wait, I will be putting a lot into it to make it a one of a kind. I am sorry for the delays it has been rough around here for the last few mo. with the move and all but I am getting back to what I love and that is building them.

we are not taking on any new projects until all of the old ones are gone

Not having Dean’s number I replied with this:
----- Original Message -----
It’s good to here from you been a long time. LOL
My number is ***-***-****
You can call me anytime after 9 AM and before 9 PM

Notice Dean said! That would have been Monday the 22 of October 2012.
cool, thanks Paul
I will give you a call on monday

Now I posted this earlier in this thread! I’m old school if you tell me you are going to call me I actually do expect a call from you… wow I know wholly freaking Batman!!! Someone expects a phone call when you tell them you will call them on Monday!!!
Note: nowhere in the pervious posted conversation with Dean did I say I will call you… Note: Dean and only Dean said I will call you!!!

Also please note the pervious conversation that I received zero information on my build!!!

Now fast forward to why I’m posting here.

After not getting a much needed update on my car I have received information from former and current customers that nothing… I repeat nothing has been done to my car except the roof being chopped… wow I got that up date way back in May 2011 from Dean. So that explains why I have had zero updates on my car since then… makes sense now!

On 11-14-2012 at 10:26 AM I posted!
Originally posted by BlackThunderGT:

Note: I still had not received a phone call from Dean that I should have received on 22 October and more importantly I still had not received an update on my car!

Well he does have a lot of my money and my car since April 2011 and I have had one update… so yes Dean please update this ****ing thread!!!

Oh by the way still waiting on that phone call Dean!!!

On 11-14-2012 at 10:41 PM I received from Dean!
Note: again Dean says I will call you! And again no information on my car is provided.
My bad, I will give you a call in the morning. I have been working to clear the old projects out asap!
I got in over my head as far as how many cars I had in the shop at the old one and now I have gone from almost 40 cars from the old shop to only 10 here at the new shop. my goal is to get no less than 2 a month out of here done.
yours, the rotten chop, and 88lambos car I am working very hard to have done in time for the30th show in indy. that is in June if I am not mistaken.
please do not give up on me I am only human but I do not give up on my customers cars. I take pride in what I build and have done a lot of learning as to how to not get in over my head ever again.

Now I’m nervous!
On 10-10-2012 at 10:10 AM John posted this!
Originally posted by johnyrottin:
I can say after 1 year and 8 months I am a bit nervous. I really hope Dean comes through. I still have faith. Jan 31, 2013 is my deadline.

Why I am nervous well it looks like John is expecting his build to be complete on 31 January 2013. In the message from Dean posted above he states:

yours, the rotten chop, and 88lambos car I am working very hard to have done in time for the30th show in indy. that is in June if I am not mistaken.

Questions I need answered that only Dean can answer… like a real update on my car with pictures. All I got right now is a picture from May 2011 with the roof of my car chopped. I been watching every thread that has posted pictures since my car has been at Whodeanie’s shop. I can see the progress of my car in the old shop my car set in the corner the whole time after the roof was chopped. If I’m wrong I would already have pictures from Dean to the contrary.

As for the new shop… I don’t even see my car in the back ground. Where is my car?
Originally posted by FierociousGT:

For everyone that wants to hate on me I don’t know what to tell you. I’m a nice guy and my posting here may seem petty. I mean I thought some other’s that have had a bad experience with Whodeanie’s Customs posting were petty too. But reality has kicked me in the butt. There are real problems at Dean’s shop and as a customer I deserve better.

The projected finish date of my build was June 2012 and if Dean could not do this he should have told me. I would have taken my car and my money else where. I’m not waiting until June 2013 for my car and I’m not taking anymore excuses.

I have been very patient but I can not ignore what’s happing here.

At this point I’m done and all I want is my car, my parts and the fair amount of my $8400.00 dollars back.

So Dean please call me so we can work out the details to make this happen.

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post11-18-2012 05:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I am so sorry guys.. this sucks. Now that the truth is coming out, I hate it.. I hate it all. It should NEVER have come to this. I TRULY mean it. Dean, you said you wanted people to stop trashing your shop... stop giving them reason to. All our conversations I thought I got to know you... YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS... time to PROVE IT.

Now for those that slammed me.. how do you feel now?
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Report this Post11-18-2012 06:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

I am so sorry guys.. this sucks. Now that the truth is coming out, I hate it.. I hate it all. It should NEVER have come to this. I TRULY mean it. Dean, you said you wanted people to stop trashing your shop... stop giving them reason to. All our conversations I thought I got to know you... YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS... time to PROVE IT.

Now for those that slammed me.. how do you feel now?

Since I was/am your most outspoken critic, I'll respond.

I stand by my statements, which were directed at your behavior. You were out of control, and it was very tiring. (Not just to me, and you know it's true.)
Not quite so much any more. Thanks for that, at least.

This will play out however it plays out.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 11-18-2012).]

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post11-18-2012 10:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Raydar:

Since I was/am your most outspoken critic, I'll respond.

I stand by my statements, which were directed at your behavior. You were out of control, and it was very tiring. (Not just to me, and you know it's true.)
Not quite so much any more. Thanks for that, at least.

This will play out however it plays out.

Fair enough.. I was and still am quite upset over the whole thing. Could I have presented it better? Yes and probably should have. Granted the response I received on the forum didn't help. Surely you can acknowledge that much? However, if you want to know how it feels. Give me $35,000 of your money and I'll promise to look after it, but really I am going to set it on fire. Then lets see how you react to how much is left. Deal?

How will this play out? That is a good question. Here is what I would like to see:

1) Dean needs to step up and take 100% responsibility. No BS. No more personal info, or "pity me comments". He is a business and needs to separate his personal life from his business.
2) Dean needs to set down and figure out what went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again...EVER.
3) Dean needs to figure out how he can best serve his current customers concerns.
4) Dean needs to then address the concerns of his recent customers.

Its time to sink or swim Dean. For the sake of your customers, I hope you can swim. I really do.
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Report this Post11-19-2012 05:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I will make one observation, and then I'll let it go.

If you're pretty much a sole proprietership, your personal life IS your work life. No way to separate the two.
When emergencies happen, the business suffers. Probably not the best for all concerned, but it is what it is.

I still believe that your car would have been better had you not pressed for its return.

Having said that, I hope you get it sorted out. I never didn't want you to get it sorted. I just wanted you to chill out a bit. (I pretty much said those exact words to someone else in PM, last week.)

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Report this Post11-19-2012 02:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FierociousGTSend a Private Message to FierociousGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Just got off the phone with BV Motorsports leaving Charlies shop...... NO BUENO!
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Report this Post11-19-2012 06:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by FierociousGT:

Just got off the phone with BV Motorsports leaving Charlies shop...... NO BUENO!

Here you go..
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Report this Post11-19-2012 06:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Da Fook
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Report this Post11-19-2012 10:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FierociousGTSend a Private Message to FierociousGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

Originally posted by exoticse:
Yes actually i do have a lot to say, and some people are not going to like it, but guess what,.....tough.

Gonna have to wait till tommorow though.

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Report this Post11-20-2012 12:53 AM Click Here to See the Profile for exoticseSend a Private Message to exoticseEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by FierociousGT:

Sorry your popcorn got cold, but work,....a wife, ...and a 6 month old daughter tend to take priority over the squabble in this thread.

Fortunatly my life does not revolve around the ongoing drama involving the whodeanie shop.

But since i said i would make a statement, i will.

Why would anyone, with a completed project, be afraid to make a public statement about their experience at Whodeanies, especially if they
they had a bad one ?? Maybe they would be afraid Dean would refuse to do MORE bad work in the future ?? huh ??

Would they be stoned or shunned by the fiero community ?? Really ?!

I would not even begin to defend Dean's lack of communication or tardiness on his projects, but that being said, it was pretty clear months ago that he was in waaaaay over his head in terms of his accepted workload.

I also CAN' T speak to Dean's dealings with BV, FierociousGT, or anybody else for that matter. If you are asking about " MY "personal dealings with Dean,...then here is my report !

If it offends you that i may say something positive,........... well then i suggest you stop reading now.

When it came to my project, i never ever had a problem getting ahold of Dean whenever i had a question. He would always return my phone calls, and emails promptly, and most of the time just answered the phone outright.

The timetable on my project was never an issue as dean and i had worked out a price and an agreement that it would be worked on in and around other incoming projects.
When the engine swap was completed, the car was delayed for Daytona due to a pennocks member sending me an exhaust that was damaged and not what it was supposed to be.

Since i missed the show, dean gave me another awesome deal and offered to install his new widebody hips on top of a madarch widebody kit along with cleaning up some lines of the original kit. Again time was not an issue as all i was concerned about was Daytona the following year.

The bodykit install was to be a rough one as Dean knew i had future tweeks in mind, something some people who tried to judge the car after the show, had no clue about.

Was the car perfect ? No, but it was pretty darned good.

Dean informed me that he did not have time to finish installing the mirrors properly, which basically amounted to drilling some holes and bolting them on. I still am not totally happy with the driver side, but it is not something that can't be tweeked to my liking. No big deal.

There were also a handful of fiberglass issues, all minor, that i found that bugged me and that will indeed need fixing, but overall, i am very pleased with the job Dean did.

Dean went out of his way to help me on this project, in fact i know he barely made a profit doing it, if he even did.

He went beyond everything i asked him to do in many areas, including paint and custom fabrication, and did not even charge me for it ! When an unexpected problem was discovered with my engine, during the swap, he fixed it without extra charge.

Dean hauled my car from Florida to Georgia, and back again and did not ask for a dime for his trouble. When dean discovered a better way to do some of the wiring with the 3800 engine swaps after it was completed, he went back and changed it on mine and did not charge me a red cent.

There was an issue discovered with the mounts used, but is it mainly cosmetic and does not affect performance. There were a couple of missing interior parts, but dean took care of everything i asked for promptly and without issue.

If i disclosed what Dean charged me to do all the body work he did, there would be total silence, for the crickets.

I paid LESS THAN A QUARTER of what some people paid just for minor body parts at other custom shops.

That said Overall i would rate MY EXPERIENCE with Whodeanie's shop as good !

[This message has been edited by exoticse (edited 11-20-2012).]

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Report this Post11-20-2012 01:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BlackThunderGTSend a Private Message to BlackThunderGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by exoticse:

Sorry your popcorn got cold, but work,....a wife, ...and a 6 month old daughter tend to take priority over the squabble in this thread.

Fortunatly my life does not revolve around the ongoing drama involving the whodeanie shop.

But since i said i would make a statement, i will.

Why would anyone, with a completed project, be afraid to make a public statement about their experience at Whodeanies, especially if they
they had a bad one ?? Maybe they would be afraid Dean would refuse to do MORE bad work in the future ?? huh ??

Would they be stoned or shunned by the fiero community ?? Really ?!

I would not even begin to defend Dean's lack of communication or tardiness on his projects, but that being said, it was pretty clear months ago that he was in waaaaay over his head in terms of his accepted workload.

I also CAN' T speak to Dean's dealings with BV, FierociousGT, or anybody else for that matter. If you are asking about " MY "personal dealings with Dean,...then here is my report !

If it offends you that i may say something positive,........... well then i suggest you stop reading now.

When it came to my project, i never ever had a problem getting ahold of Dean whenever i had a question. He would always return my phone calls, and emails promptly, and most of the time just answered the phone outright.

The timetable on my project was never an issue as dean and i had worked out a price and an agreement that it would be worked on in and around other incoming projects.
When the engine swap was completed, the car was delayed for Daytona due to a pennocks member sending me an exhaust that was damaged and not what it was supposed to be.

Since i missed the show, dean gave me another awesome deal and offered to install his new widebody hips on top of a madarch widebody kit along with cleaning up some lines of the original kit. Again time was not an issue as all i was concerned about was Daytona the following year.

The bodykit install was to be a rough one as Dean knew i had future tweeks in mind, something some people who tried to judge the car after the show, had no clue about.

Was the car perfect ? No, but it was pretty darned good.

Dean informed me that he did not have time to finish installing the mirrors properly, which basically amounted to drilling some holes and bolting them on. I still am not totally happy with the driver side, but it is not something that can't be tweeked to my liking. No big deal.

There were also a handful of fiberglass issues, all minor, that i found that bugged me and that will indeed need fixing, but overall, i am very pleased with the job Dean did.

Dean went out of his way to help me on this project, in fact i know he barely made a profit doing it, if he even did.

He went beyond everything i asked him to do in many areas, including paint and custom fabrication, and did not even charge me for it ! When an unexpected problem was discovered with my engine, during the swap, he fixed it without extra charge.

Dean hauled my car from Florida to Georgia, and back again and did not ask for a dime for his trouble. When dean discovered a better way to do some of the wiring with the 3800 engine swaps after it was completed, he went back and changed it on mine and did not charge me a red cent.

There was an issue discovered with the mounts used, but is it mainly cosmetic and does not affect performance. There were a couple of missing interior parts, but dean took care of everything i asked for promptly and without issue.

If i disclosed what Dean charged me to do all the body work he did, there would be total silence, for the crickets.

I paid LESS THAN A QUARTER of what some people paid just for minor body parts at other custom shops.

That said Overall i would rate MY EXPERIENCE with Whodeanie's shop as good !


Thanks for posting.

Now obvious I’m not going to be quite anymore and I’m going to speak my mind about Whodeanie’s Customs.

I’m going to be the first to say it! Dean was able to charge you so little because he had other people’s money. When you have a surplus of other people’s money you can pass those benefits on to family and friends.

I’m pissed about my car! I been asking for a real up date for a long time now. I’ve watched while others cars have come in and out of Dean’s shop while mine set in the same corner all this time. I use to think Dean took my car with good intentions… now I’m not sure… this starting to look like a Ponzi scheme for cars.

I want my car, ALL of my parts and my $8,400.00 back!

I’m still waiting for Dean to man up and call me.

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Report this Post11-20-2012 01:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for exoticseSend a Private Message to exoticseEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BlackThunderGT:


Thanks for posting.

Now obvious I’m not going to be quite anymore and I’m going to speak my mind about Whodeanie’s Customs.

I’m going to be the first to say it! Dean was able to charge you so little because he had other people’s money. When you have a surplus of other people’s money you can pass those benefits on to family and friends.

I’m pissed about my car! I been asking for a real up date for a long time now. I’ve watched while others cars have come in and out of Dean’s shop while mine set in the same corner all this time. I use to think Dean took my car with good intentions… now I’m not sure… this starting to look like a Ponzi scheme for cars.

I want my car, ALL of my parts and my $8,400.00 back!

I’m still waiting for Dean to man up and call me.

Thunder i am really sorry about your situation and pray everything gets worked out.

I was one of Dean's first customers and we had worked out the costs for everything but the bodywork before other cars started coming in. Sometimes getting in on the ground floor as things begin has benefits pricewise.
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Report this Post11-20-2012 01:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BlackThunderGTSend a Private Message to BlackThunderGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by exoticse:

Thunder i am really sorry about your situation and pray everything gets worked out.

I was one of Dean's first customers and we had worked out the costs for everything but the bodywork before other cars started coming in. Sometimes getting in on the ground floor as things begin has benefits pricewise.

I do to Tony and please don’t take what I said about others people’s money to imply you had something to do with it.

Dean made me a great deal to, cost wise. However the problem I have unlike others is my car has not been touched since the roof was chopped. Now all I have is a chopped up car… not going to win any more car show trophies with that.

I hate this! I really do but I can’t just lay down and be a door mat anymore. Like I said before, if Dean had been up front with me I would have taking my car and money else where.
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Report this Post11-20-2012 04:10 AM Click Here to See the Profile for FierociousGTSend a Private Message to FierociousGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I'm sure others appricate your honest opinion without any popcorn drama or attitude. Thats the point of a review like I mention above and glad to see you understand.

Originally posted by exoticse:
Sorry your popcorn got cold, but work,....a wife, ...and a 6 month old daughter tend to take priority over the squabble in this thread.

Fortunatly my life does not revolve around the ongoing drama involving the whodeanie shop.

That said Overall i would rate MY EXPERIENCE with Whodeanie's shop as good !

[This message has been edited by FierociousGT (edited 11-20-2012).]

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Report this Post11-20-2012 11:04 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BlackThunderGT:

this starting to look like a Ponzi scheme for cars.

I want my car, ALL of my parts and my $8,400.00 back!

I’m still waiting for Dean to man up and call me.

Arent we all.... Also, Ponzi scheme. That is not the first time I have heard the Whodeanies situation labeled as a Ponzi scheme. Lastly, to all Deans customers, I am sorry for what you are going through, it sucks. You guys really need to start talking to each other. If you work TOGETHER you can get alot done and apply quite a bit of leverage.

Tony, I am really happy for you man. I wish we all could share similar experiences. What a meet we could have! Nothing against you, but something tells me alot of my $$ went into your car. Too bad no big money builds came in after us.... LOL I don't mean that of course.

Also, for those that we nice enough to change their neg ratings on me.. I appreciate it. I got beat up pretty good when this story started to unfold.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 11-20-2012).]

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Report this Post11-20-2012 12:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BlackThunderGTSend a Private Message to BlackThunderGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

Arent we all.... Also, Ponzi scheme. That is not the first time I have heard the Whodeanies situation labeled as a Ponzi scheme. Lastly, to all Deans customers, I am sorry for what you are going through, it sucks. You guys really need to start talking to each other. If you work TOGETHER you can get alot done and apply quite a bit of leverage.

Tony, I am really happy for you man. I wish we all could share similar experiences. What a meet we could have! Nothing against you, but something tells me alot of my $$ went into your car. Too bad no big money builds came in after us.... LOL I don't mean that of course.

Also, for those that we nice enough to change their neg ratings on me.. I appreciate it. I got beat up pretty good when this story started to unfold.

BV you have a PM

I just got off the phone with David. I agree we all need to compare notes and talk about what’s going on over there.
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Report this Post11-20-2012 02:02 PM Click Here to See the Profile for revinSend a Private Message to revinEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Why does this have the same feel like a FastFieros thread?
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Report this Post11-20-2012 02:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JustinbartSend a Private Message to JustinbartEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by revin:

Why does this have the same feel like a FastFieros thread?

Because it involves tens of thousands of dollars, many upset customers and an elusive builder.

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Report this Post11-20-2012 03:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mptigheSend a Private Message to mptigheEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
As someone who was victimized by an "automotive ponzi scheme", I want to say something. I thought about these types of situations a lot. Here's the conclusion I came to.

If this is their ONLY stream of income, there's no way to avoid this. Think about it, they usually take about 50% or so down, maybe less. Well, usually that 50% gets swallowed up in parts and materials (not always but often on these larger builds). If they're not going to get the rest until the job is complete, then how do they pay their bills, and themselves while they're working? Well, they take the next guy's deposit and apply it towards that, in the hopes that that first project will be completed soon and then use the remainder of income from the finished project to pay for the parts of the second project. However, now they need additional money to pay for their ongoing bills and needs, so it keeps being perpetuated.

Here's the issue, ANY delays will cause this to implode. Eventually they have to take on multiple builds just to keep the current bills (including personal) caught up. This is borrowing from present and future customers to complete past projects. Unfortunately, as I said before, if this is their only source of revenue, and they started out under-capitalized (which most shops do), then there is NO way to avoid this unless they can do enough quicker jobs on the side to keep the income rolling in. These long term projects are the death of a start-up shop that focuses on them for its sole income.

I'm sorry guys, I really am, including for Dean. I think I can say we all wanted this to come out better for everyone involved. On a side note, everyone needs to be careful how they handle this. If you want to get the best result, make sure your actions are designed to do that. Dumping on Dean and causing him to close up will guarantee that you'll lose everything. If he can't make any sort of living, he can't afford to make restitution. Unless he came to you, in your respective states and made deals and transactions there, you'll have to take action in HIS state, and most states have some sort of out for people in the form of bankruptcy. Basically put, if you want something back you need to be careful on how much you cost him in the meantime.

[This message has been edited by mptighe (edited 11-20-2012).]

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Report this Post11-20-2012 04:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Dennis LaGruaSend a Private Message to Dennis LaGruaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Dam, this thread is going downhill fast. It apprently says 1. that Deans shop is overloaded and that he can't get finished work out the door, and 2. that he isn't offering many solutions. All Dean has to is to contact each customer and propose how and when each job will be completed and/or corrected. Dean may just be in over his head. Its really pretty simple if he would take 1/2 day off and call all of his customers that are waiting. He should offer to return customer cars with no work done if necessary. If he neglects to do this then the problems won't go away they will only get worse.

" THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Powerlog manifold, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite.
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Report this Post11-20-2012 08:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 85LAMBSend a Private Message to 85LAMBEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
If I had a car at Dean's place, I would want it out of there "yesterday"
I have seen his "work" and know better...

I think is a shame that another vendor that had the chance to have a good business, ends up doing this...
As I said before, Dean is lucky he has had such understanding customers.

with all due respect.....
I am glad that you are happy w/ Dean's work but I would have "blown a fuse"
After he kept your car for so long:
I see no reason why the mirrors were not installed properly, and it was not just mounting them but the door skiins are cut differently.
I see no reason why he had to mount the sidemarker lamps the way he did and
then when he was "priming" the car he could not remove them.
I see no reason why he primed the mirros and even got primer on the black texture part.
The mirrors could have been just scuffed n painted the way they were before.

Like I said I mean no disrespect but Dean's work leaves a lot to be desired and things that should have been done correctly were not.
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Report this Post11-20-2012 09:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for exoticseSend a Private Message to exoticseEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 85LAMB:

If I had a car at Dean's place, I would want it out of there "yesterday"
I have seen his "work" and know better...

I think is a shame that another vendor that had the chance to have a good business, ends up doing this...
As I said before, Dean is lucky he has had such understanding customers.

with all due respect.....
I am glad that you are happy w/ Dean's work but I would have "blown a fuse"
After he kept your car for so long:
I see no reason why the mirrors were not installed properly, and it was not just mounting them but the door skiins are cut differently.
I see no reason why he had to mount the sidemarker lamps the way he did and
then when he was "priming" the car he could not remove them.
I see no reason why he primed the mirros and even got primer on the black texture part.
The mirrors could have been just scuffed n painted the way they were before.

Like I said I mean no disrespect but Dean's work leaves a lot to be desired and things that should have been done correctly were not.

Lamb you are entitled to your opinion,...that's what makes this country great.

I said my piece, done.
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Report this Post11-20-2012 10:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MrWallyClick Here to visit MrWally's HomePageSend a Private Message to MrWallyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Evening one and all, I've stood toe to toe with Dean and have looked him in the eye.

I know he is not in this for the money. I know him to be a good guy, and a master fabricator.

I know what it takes monetarily as well as man-hourly to build a custom car! The cost will ALWAYS exceed the worth! The value is strictly in the owners heart!

However it is what we desire, and not what we need that leads us to a custom build. There are two reasons that we will trust our "Dream" to someone else to build.

1) Our inability to accomplish it on our own.


2) Our hope that someone else can do what we can't do for our selves.

Note that 1 & 2 are the same thing but from differing perspectives. Wether it is our skill set, or available time versus the man-hours to get it done. Once the decision has been made to entrust your "Dream" to someone else's hands. You have to except that your perception of accomplishing what you want is then in fact in someone else's hands and at their pace!

If it is not in your nature to give up control, then you are doomed to heartache. But also recognize that it was your own short coming that led you to not tackle to challenge with your own hands.

That being said LIFE HAPPENS! If "your" project is the make or brake point in your world then DUDE, keep it in your own hands! Get the skills and limit your challenges to what YOU can do.

Show of hands, who has been to WhoDeanies in person to check in on their car that is there? Ok those with their hands in the air, who saw or looked at the red 88 TPI V8 Fiero there? Ok of those who still have a hand in the air who has had a car in Dean's shop that was there before that cars arrival?

Anyone other then Johnnie's Rotten Chop? That's one of mine, I call her LilRed. I know better then most the mental anguish of what ifs and true life setbacks! I have several projects all on going a wise man once said "A mans got to know his limitations" (Dirty Harry). I know what I can and can't do on My own, as well as I know what I'm willing to put in the hands of a more qualified person.

All that is to say this, you get what you pay for but the time frame is in the hands of who you've paid.

Except it, I know some JUMPED at the chance to have Dean work on their car just from word of mouth and now are nervous because of word of mouth.
He is human, remember what I said above {LIFE happens}.
I know that some are not happy?

I also know that there is no one else that would take in your car at the price, the prices Dean has charged, Period! Or you would have gone there.
I know that some have been else where and then chose to come to WhoDeanies, rather then back to them.

I also know that you could likely have gotten anything you asked for "somewhere" for triple the cost, but you didn't because you know that getting what you ask for isn't always getting what you WANT.

You chose Dean your reason is your own. I chose Dean to work on My Fiero's because first and foremost he is a good guy. Secondly answered all My questions. Third he is located near by. And LASTLY offered a good deal on what I wanted done!

Dean is a stand up guy, I wish I had a shop that I could hire him to work in! I just am not in a position to do so at this time. But I Gar-in-dam-tee YOU, that the cost will be higher, dead lines will be met and there would be a constant point of contact not to mention, the jobs take in will be screened!

Ha ha ha . . .

Anyone want to Incorporate a new shop, I am a hell of a manager and forman!
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Report this Post11-20-2012 10:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FierociousGTSend a Private Message to FierociousGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by exoticse:
Lamb you are entitled to your opinion,...that's what makes this country great.

I said my piece, done.

Originally posted by MrWally:
Anyone want to Incorporate a new shop, I am a hell of a manager and forman!

Sorry got dizzy reading your post. You should have applied at Whodeanies Customs a year ago...
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Report this Post11-20-2012 10:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by MrWally:

I know him to be a good guy, and a master fabricator.



Pretty obvious here:

Notice all the oil in the lower intake. UIM & ZZP full stack didnt have any oil on them. Oh, yeah, NO GASKETS... all silicone, on EVERYTHING

Metal & grinding wheel grit in EVERYTHING (its even in the TB vac ports!)

Gravity doesnt apply to Dean...

No need to bolt the trans to the engine.. its held on with magic!

LOL so its all his customers fault huh?
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Report this Post11-20-2012 10:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BlackThunderGTSend a Private Message to BlackThunderGTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by MrWally:
I've stood toe to toe with Dean and have looked him in the eye.

While you are standing there could you hand him your phone cell phone so he can call me?

[B]Originally posted by MrWally:[/B
a master fabricator.

I agree a master fabricator of stories and excuses!
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Report this Post11-20-2012 10:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BlackThunderGT:
While you are standing there could you hand him your phone cell phone so he can call me?
I agree a master fabricator of stories and excuses!

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Report this Post11-21-2012 12:00 AM Click Here to See the Profile for pavo_roddySend a Private Message to pavo_roddyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
HI all

It is a shame, to lose shops that specialize on Fiero's, hope it doesn't happen Whodeanie. Though after watching reality shows like Ink Master, a judged tattoo show, it seems to me that your attention to detail has been overshadowed by your need to get to work on too many cars. It's a problem all people have really, especially in a contest, you get too confident then you take on too much in which case competence faulters in yur need to meet a date, i.e., you stretch things out. Then again i've never talked with you, nor seen yur work, and am completely full of crap, hopefully though you do last!



Course like watchin a couple shows today on spike, they give the Tattoo contestants 6 hrs to finish certain kinds of tatt's, course they always take on too much leaving detail to go down the drain, some of the tatt's I wonder if I would ever pay for the work they go too far south. I think I might actually try and fight that in a legal battle, lol.......

Me, I sell engines, the cars are for free, I need something to crate the engines in....
Enzo Ferrari....

Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines....
Enzo Ferrari...

Today they are called garage's, yesterday, they were stable's! Eric Jacobsen.... An advancement, of other
voices I came across.

S.F??, hint, it's a car manufacturer....

Do not walk infront of me, I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend forever.
-unknown- found here:

Life's best tour guides? Contrast and mixture. One sets things apart yet cohesively, the other seperates associatingly.

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